Package: BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.5.0 Title: Full genome sequences for Macaca fascicularis (Macaca_fascicularis_5.0) Description: Full genome sequences for Macaca fascicularis (long-tailed macaque) as provided by NCBI (Macaca_fascicularis_5.0, 2013-06-12) and stored in Biostrings objects. Version: 1.4.2 organism: Macaca fascicularis common_name: long-tailed macaque provider: NCBI provider_version: Macaca_fascicularis_5.0 release_date: 2013-06-12 release_name: Macaca_fascicularis_5.0 source_url: organism_biocview: Macaca_fascicularis BSgenomeObjname: Mfascicularis seqnames: circ_seqs: "MT" SrcDataFiles: GCF_000364345.1_Macaca_fascicularis_5.0_genomic.fna.gz from PkgExamples: genome$MFA1 # same as genome[["MFA1"]] . ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## About the ordering of the sequences ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The sequences in BSgenome object 'genome' are ordered like in the ## assembly report at the following URL url <- "" ## except that the MT sequence was moved from the last position to the ## position between the chromosomes (MFA* sequences) and the scaffolds ## (Scaffold* sequences): SequenceName <- read.table(url, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[[1]] target_seqlevels <- SequenceName[c(1:21, 7601, 22:7600)] stopifnot(identical(seqlevels(genome), target_seqlevels)) seqs_srcdir: /fh/fast/morgan_m/BioC/BSgenomeForge/srcdata/BSgenome.Mfascicularis.NCBI.5.0/seqs seqfile_name: Macaca_fascicularis_5.0.sorted.2bit