Package: BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau8 Title: Full genome sequences for Bos taurus (UCSC version bosTau8) Description: Full genome sequences for Bos taurus (Cow) as provided by UCSC (bosTau8, Jun. 2014) and stored in Biostrings objects. Version: 1.4.2 Suggests: GenomicFeatures organism: Bos taurus common_name: Cow provider: UCSC provider_version: bosTau8 release_date: Jun. 2014 release_name: University of Maryland v3.1.1 source_url: organism_biocview: Bos_taurus BSgenomeObjname: Btaurus circ_seqs: "chrM" SrcDataFiles: bosTau8.2bit from PkgExamples: genome$chr1 # same as genome[["chr1"]] . ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Extract the upstream sequences ## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ## The upstream sequences located in ## ## are based on RefSeq genes (RefSeq Genes track in the Genome Browser). ## These can easily be extracted from the full genome sequences with: . library(GenomicFeatures) refGene_txdb <- suppressWarnings(makeTxDbFromUCSC("bosTau8", "refGene")) refGene_up1000seqs <- extractUpstreamSeqs(genome, refGene_txdb) . ## Note that you can make a TxDb object from various annotation ## resources. See the makeTxDbFromUCSC(), makeTxDbFromBiomart(), and ## makeTxDbFromGFF() functions in the GenomicFeatures package for more ## information. ## IMPORTANT: Make sure you use a TxDb package (or TxDb object) that ## contains a gene model based on bosTau8 or on a compatible genome ## (i.e. a genome with sequences identical to the sequences in bosTau8). ## See ?extractUpstreamSeqs in the GenomicFeatures package for more ## information. seqs_srcdir: /fh/fast/morgan_m/BioC/BSgenomeForge/srcdata/BSgenome.Btaurus.UCSC.bosTau8/seqs seqfile_name: bosTau8.sorted.2bit