## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) ## ----install_biocmanager,eval=FALSE------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("curatedAdipoArray") ## ----loading_libraries-------------------------------------------------------- # loading required libraries library(ExperimentHub) library(SummarizedExperiment) ## ----loading_data------------------------------------------------------------- # query package resources on ExperimentHub eh <- ExperimentHub() query(eh, "curatedAdipoArray") ## ----choose_resource---------------------------------------------------------- listResources(eh, "curatedAdipoArray")[43] ## ----genetics_object---------------------------------------------------------- genetic <- query(eh, 'curatedAdipoArray')[[43]] ## ----expression_set----------------------------------------------------------- # show class of the SummarizedExperiment class(genetic) # show the first table assay(genetic)[1:5, 1:5] # show the second table colData(genetic)[1:5,] ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- column_desc <- list( "series_id" = "The GEO series identifier.", "sample_id"="The GEO sample identifier.", "pmid"="The pubmed identifier of the published study.", "time"="The time from the start of the differentiation protocol in hours.", "media"="The differentiation media MDI or none.", "treatment"="The treatment status: none, drug, knockdown or overexpression.", "treatment_target"="The target of the treatment: gene name or a biological pathway.", "treatment_type"="The type of the treatment.", "treatment_subtype"="The detailed subtype of the treatment.", "treatment_time"="The time of the treatment in relation to differentiation time : -1, before; 0, at; and 1 after the start of the differentiation induction.", "treatment_duration"="The duration from the treatment to the collection of the RNA from the sample.", "treatment_dose"="The dose of the treatment.", "treatment_dose_unit"="The dose unit of the treatment.", "channels"="The number of the channels on the array chip: 1 or 2.", "gpl"="The GEO GPL/annotation identifier.", "geo_missing"="The availability of the data on GEO: 0 or 1.", "symbol_missing"="The availability of the gene symbol of the probes in the GPL object.", "perturbation_type"="The type of the perturbation: genetic or pharmacological." ) knitr::kable( data.frame( col_id = names(column_desc), description = unlist(column_desc, use.names = FALSE) ) ) ## ----citation, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # # citing the package # citation("curatedAdipoArray") ## ----session_info, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # devtools::session_info()