--- title: "Simulating Single-Cell Multi-Omics Data with MOSim" author: - name: "Carolina Monzó" - name: "Ángeles Arzalluz-Luque" - name: "Arianna Febbo" - name: "Sonia Tarazona" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Wiki of how to use scMOSim} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- # Introduction Welcome to the `MOSim` package, a versatile tool for simulating bulk and single-cell multi-omics data. In this vignette, we will explore how to create synthetic single-cell data, focusing on single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) and single-cell ATAC-seq (scATAC-seq) data. Using the `MOSim` package, you can generate custom multi-omics datasets for various experimental conditions, making it an essential resource for testing and validating analysis methods, or creating benchmark datasets. # Installation Before we dive into the exciting world of data simulation, you'll need to install the `MOSim` package. You can easily obtain it from CRAN using the following commands: ```{r installing, eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("MOSim") # For the latest development version install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("ConesaLab/MOSim") ``` # Simulating Single-Cell Multi-Omics Data The core of data simulation lies in the scMOSim function, which allows you to create synthetic single-cell multi-omics data. Let's explore a typical example of its usage, using the default dataset loaded in the package: ```{r test_run, eval = FALSE} library(MOSim) # Create a list of omics data types (e.g., scRNA-seq and scATAC-seq) omicsList <- sc_omicData(list("scRNA-seq", "scATAC-seq"), data = NULL) # Define cell types for your experiment cell_types <- list('Treg' = c(1:10),'cDC' = c(11:20),'CD4_TEM' = c(21:30), 'Memory_B' = c(31:40)) # Load an association list containing peak IDs related to gene names associationList <- data(associationList) # Simulate multi-omics data with specific parameters testing_groups <- scMOSim( omicsList, cell_types, numberReps = 2, numberGroups = 3, diffGenes = list(c(0.2, 0.3), c(0.2, 0.3)), minFC = 0.25, maxFC = 4, numberCells = NULL, mean = NULL, sd = NULL, regulatorEffect = list(c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2)), associationList = associationList ) ``` In the example above, we load omics data types, specify experimental conditions and cell types, and load an association list. The scMOSim function lets us simulate multi-omics data with various parameters, such as the number of replicates, differentially expressed genes, and regulatory effects. # Data Preparation Before diving into simulation, it's essential to have your data ready. The `sc_omicData` function aids in preparing your data for simulation. It accepts the following inputs: - omics_types: A list of omics data types, which can be "scRNA-seq" or "scATAC-seq." - data (optional): A user-inputted list of matrices with features as rows and cells as columns. If data is NULL, the default data from 10 cells for 4 celltypes is loaded. ## Providing Custom Data `scMOSim` also allows you to simulate data resembling characteristics of a dataset of your choice. To do so, you need to format your data using the `sc_omicData` function. Supported input formats include: - Count matrix - Seurat array For example, to format your data extracted from the original Seurat object, you can follow these steps: ```{r custom data, eval = FALSE} # This is done to get a dataset to extract a matrix from (for example purposes) scRNA <- MOSim::sc_omicData("scRNA-seq", data = NULL) count <- scRNA[["scRNA-seq"]] options(Seurat.object.assay.version = "v3") Seurat_obj <- Seurat::CreateAssayObject(counts = count, assay = 'RNA') omic_list_user <- sc_omicData(c("scRNA-seq"), data = c(Seurat_obj)) ``` The resulting omic_list_user is a named list with "scRNA-seq" as the name and your count matrix as the value. # Running the Simulation: scMOSim ## Default scMOSim Simulation `scMOSim` can simulate scRNA and scATAC count matrices without providing any additional arguments. For a basic simulation, you only need to input the omics list and cell types. Here's how it's done: ```{r default, eval = FALSE} omic_list <- sc_omicData(list("scRNA-seq")) cell_types <- list('Treg' = c(1:10),'cDC' = c(11:20),'CD4_TEM' = c(21:30), 'Memory_B' = c(31:40)) sim <- scMOSim(omic_list, cell_types) ``` This will result in simulated raw count matrices for scRNA. ## Customizing the scMOSim Simulation The `scMOSim` function offers a range of parameters to fine-tune your simulation: - omics: A named list specifying the omics data types. - cellTypes: A list specifying the cell types. - numberReps (optional): The number of biological replicates. - numberGroups (optional): The number of different biological groups (experimental conditions). - diffGenes (optional): To simulate differentially expressed genes between groups. - minFC (optional): Threshold for downregulated genes. - maxFC (optional): Threshold for upregulated genes. - numberCells (optional): A vector specifying the number of cells per cell type. - mean and sd (optional): Vectors for mean and standard deviation of expression per cell type. - noiseRep (optional): Standard deviation between biological replicates. - noiseGroup (optional): Standard deviation between groups. - feature_no (optional): Total number of features to distribute between co-expression clusters. - clusters (optional): Number of co-expression patterns to simulate. - cluster_size (optional): Number of features in each co-simulation cluster. For example, to simulate data with specific settings, you can use the following code: ```{r testing, eval = FALSE} omic_list <- sc_omicData(c("scRNA-seq", "scATAC-seq")) cell_types <- list('Treg' = c(1:10),'cDC' = c(11:20),'CD4_TEM' = c(21:30), 'Memory_B' = c(31:40)) sim <- scMOSim(omic_list, cell_types, numberReps = 2, numberGroups = 2, diffGenes = list(c(0.2, 0.3)), feature_no = 8000, clusters = 3, mean = c(2*10^6, 1*10^6,2*10^6, 1*10^6), sd = c(5*10^5, 2*10^5, 5*10^5, 2*10^5), regulatorEffect = list(c(0.1, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.2))) ``` # Working with Simulation Results ## The scMOSim Simulation Object The result of your simulation is stored in a named list with 'sim_sc + omic name' as names and Seurat objects as values. Each Seurat object contains the synthetic count matrices for your experiment. Other relevant information included in the object are: - cellTypes: A list specifying the columns in each simulated matrix that correspond to each cell type. - patterns: Matrix of co-expression patterns affecting the genes throughout cell-types. - FC: list of Fold Changes applied to each gene to simulate differential expression between experimental groups. - AssociationMatrices: gene/peak association matrices including differential expression and regulatory relationships. - Variability: added variability matrices to add dispersion to experimental groups and biological replicates. ## Retrieving Simulation Settings To access simulation settings and other constraints for simulation, you can use the `scOmicSettings` function. This provides information about the relationship between genes and peaks, differentially expressed genes, regulator types, expression patterns, and fold changes for each gene and peak compared to group 1. ```{r settings, eval = FALSE} settings <- scOmicSettings(sim) ``` ## Accessing the Count Data Matrices You can extract the simulated matrices for all experimental conditions and biological replicates using the `scOmicResults` function. This provides you with the synthetic data for further analysis and visualization. ```{r results, eval = FALSE} res <- scOmicResults(sim) ```