Changes in version 1.13                         

scp 1.13.6

(nothing yet)

scp 1.13.5

  - fix: fixed small error in degrees of freedom
  - fix: break workflow upon infinite values

scp 1.13.4

  - fix: first drop variable before centering numerical variables (see

scp 1.13.3

  - Refactor readSCP() and readSCPFromDIANN() to use new QFeatures

scp 1.13.2

  - New scplainer workflow and citation
  - Add addReducedDims() (see #52)
  - fix: logFC and associated SE are now correctly computed

scp 1.13.1

  - docs: fixed vignette about reporting missing values
  - docs: add a QFeatures figure to the nutshell vignette

scp 1.13.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.18 (devel) release

                        Changes in version 1.12                         

scp 1.12.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.18 (stable) release

scp 1.11.3

  - Major feat: added SCP data modelling workflow + documentation
  - feat: added readSCPfromDIANN() that creates a QFeatures object from
    DIANN output tables.

scp 1.11.2

  - Nothing yet.

scp 1.11.2

  - feat: added reportMissingValues(), jaccardIndex(),
    cumulativeSensitivityCurve() and predictSensitivity() to facilitate
    reporting missing values. The vignette is also adapted with the new
  - docs: created vignette about reporting missing values in SCP
  - fix failing unit test.

scp 1.11.1

  - Updated citation

scp 1.11.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.18 (devel) release

                        Changes in version 1.10                         

scp 1.10.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.17 (stable) release

                         Changes in version 1.9                         

scp 1.9.2

  - Updated citation

scp 1.9.1

  - Fix minor typo in readSCP() man page

scp 1.9.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.17 (devel) release

                         Changes in version 1.8                         

scp 1.8.0

  - New Bioconductor 3.16 (stable) release

                         Changes in version 1.7                         

scp 1.7.5

  - Updated CITATION
  - Added sticker

scp 1.7.4

  - Updated CITATION

scp 1.7.3

  - refactor: package complies with BiocCheck
  - docs: fixed bug in vignette

scp 1.7.2

  - Add CC-BY-SA license for vignettes.

scp 1.7.1

  - refactor: removed deprecated function rowDataToDF()
  - tests: fixed some tests failing because of SCE version differences.
  - feat: users can now specify sep when sample names are automatically

scp 1.7.0

  - New devel (Bioc 3.16)

                         Changes in version 1.6                         

  - New stable release (Bioc 3.15)

                         Changes in version 1.5                         

scp 1.5.1

  - Added CITATION <2021-10-29>

scp 1.5.0

  - New devel (Bioc 3.15)

                         Changes in version 1.4                         

  - New stable release (Bioc 3.14)

                         Changes in version 1.3                         

scp 1.3.3

  - docs: included QFeatures plot in the vignette
  - docs: created a vignette about advanced usage of scp

scp 1.3.2

  - feat: computeSCR now allows for user supplied function that will
    summarize the values from multiple samples and multiple carrier.
  - docs: used more standard variable names in scp vignette.
  - docs: created a QFeatures recap vignette

scp 1.3.1

  - refactor: deprecated rowDataToDF. This function is now replaced by

scp 1.3.0

  - New devel (Bioc 3.14)

                         Changes in version 1.2                         

  - New stable release (Bioc 3.13)

                         Changes in version 1.1                         

scp 1.1.6

  - feature: readSCP now allows for a suffix argument to better
    customize the sample names. <2021-03-17>

scp 1.1.5

  - deprecation: thanks to the new normalization method in
    medianCVperCell, 'computeMedianCV_SCoPE2' is now deprecated and
    should no longer be used. <2021-02-19>
  - feat: added a new normalization method to medianCVperCell. The
    SCoPE2 normalization method can now reproduce the results from
    SCoPE2. <2021-02-19>
  - docs: improved vignette <2021-02-16>
  - feat: added a rowDataName argument to computeSCR <2021-02-08>

scp 1.1.4

  - fix: removed bug in vignette header <2021-02-06>
  - data: update the example data with the latest release of SCoPE2
  - feat: added removeEmptyCol argument in readSCP to automatically
    remove columns that contain only NA's <2021-02-06>

scp 1.1.3

  - docs: improved the manual page for pep2qvalue and the corresponding
    section in the vignette. <2021-01-23>
  - refactor: reimplemented the computeFDR to catch up with the new
    release of SCoPE2. computeFDR was renamed to pep2qvalue. This is
    more in line with the theory. Also adapted the unit tests.

scp 1.1.2

  - docs: improved the description of the scp data structure in the
    vignette <2021-01-05>
  - refactor: renamed the groupCol to groupBy and pepCol to PEP in
    computeFDR. <2020-12-08>
  - refactor: renamed computeMedianCV to computeMedianCV_SCoPE2 and
    deprecated the function. The function will be preserved for backward
    compatibility with the replication of the SCoPE2 analysis (Specht et
    al. 2020). Instead, a new function is implemented and called
    medianCVperCell. See issue#7 for more information <2020-12-07>

scp 1.1.1

  - Fix news file

scp 1.1.0

  - New devel (Bioc 3.13)

                         Changes in version 1.0                         

scp 1.0.0

  - New stable release (Bioc 3.12)

                        Changes in version 0.99                         

scp 0.99.4

  - Update installation instructions <2020-10-14 Wed>

scp 0.99.3

  - fix: solved 'invalid subsetting' issue <2020-10-14 Wed>
  - Adapted the vignette to remove warnings and fix missing PCA plot.
    <2020-10-14 Wed>
  - extended the installation guide, providing both a stable
    and a devel installation. <2020-10-13 Tue>
  - Removed the LazyLoad from the DESCRIPTION file and adapted the data
    loading (eg data(scp1) to data("scp1")) <2020-10-13 Tue>
  - Documentation: added data collection description for the 3 example
    datasets <2020-10-13 Tue>

scp 0.99.2

  - fix: computeFDR can handle missing values (see issue #12)
    <2020-10-02 Fri>

scp 0.99.1

  - Maintainer subscribed to bioc-devel mailing list
  - Removed infIsNA, the implementation was moved to the QFeatures

scp 0.99.0

  - Bioconductor submission