Version 1.29.0: (2018-12-08)
- migrated all codes to support the BioC3.9! This is because the BioC3.9 will not anymore support the 'RangedData' which is mainly used by r3Cseq in the previous versions.

version 1.13.1: (2015-01-26)
- fixed the bugs in function "export3Cseq2bedGraph"
- fixed the bugs in function "getViewpoint"
- fixed the bugs in function "export3CseqRawReads2bedGraph"
- added "mm10" and "rn5" genomes into the package

version 1.9.2: (2013-11-11)

- fixed the bugs in function getFragmentsPerWindow for "overlapping window"

version 1.9.1: (2013-10-21)
- added the yLim input parameter of plotInteractionsNearViewpoint
- added the log2 cutoff ratio for the function plotInteractionsNearViewpoint
- fixed the shift of interaction in the viewpoint chromosome found in the function getFragmentsPerWindow
- fixed the missing input parameter for the function getBatchReadCountPerWindow
- fixed the class of r3CseqInBatch

version 1.5.0: (2012-10-25)
- added the new normalization method of 3C-seq analysis
- added the new statistical analysis for identification of 3C-seq interaction regions
- added the analysis for both restriction fragment and a user defined non-overlapping window
- added the analysis for 3C-seq data with replicates
- added the new visualization "domainograms"
- updated the existing plots
- update the exported methods
- added the options for counting reads per regions
- fixed the bug of counting reads per regions
- updated the vignette