Changes in version 1.9.2                        

                        Changes in version 1.9.1                        

                       Changes in version 0.99.4                        

  - Combined vignettes into a single one
  - Updated references

                       Changes in version 0.99.3                        

  - Update reference for cell composition
  - Accepted into bioconductor, will be released in next cycle

                       Changes in version 0.99.2                        

  - Vignettes updated with new function names
  - Removed minfi from examples since installation fails on some R
  - Moved .orig files to inst/script
  - Moved data-raw/ contents to inst/script
  - Moved man/figures/logo.png to inst/figures/logo.png, updated README
  - Lazydata set to false

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

  - Improved vignette figure quality
  - Using github-actions check from biocthis
  - Removed viridis from suggests
  - Rewrote many data man pages

                        Changes in version 0.3.0                        

  - Final preparations for Bioconductor submission
  - Changed license to => GPL-2
  - More detailed attribution to glmnet
  - Renamed all functions to camel case convention, including functions,
    data, tests, documentation, vignettes
  - Added planet-deprecated.R
  - pl_infer_ethnicity() and pl_infer_age() now deprecated, replaced
    with predictEthnicity and predictAge, respectively.

                       Changes in version 0.2.36                        

  - Removed minfi dependency
  - Addressed all fixable >line80 and 4 space indent notes from
  - Precompiling vignettes.

                       Changes in version 0.2.35                        

  - added hexsticker
  - updated zenodo doi
  - added github actions
  - added cells color palette
  - favicons
  - Fixed in-text citations in README

                       Changes in version 0.2.34                        

  - Reduced nbeta from 4 mb to 30 kb
  - Removed Matrix dependency from imports

                       Changes in version 0.2.33                        

  - Fixed pl_infer_age() when missing CpGs
  - Added tests for pl_infer_age() and pl_infer_ethnicity()
  - Updated documentation

                       Changes in version 0.2.32                        

  - Added vignettes
  - Reduced README significantly
  - Format documentation for Bioconductor style
      - Added BiocViews to DESCRIPTION
      - Wrap lines max 80 characters
  - Create CITATION
  - Add Wendy Robinson to authors

                        Changes in version 0.2.3                        

  - Fixes data export error on linux. See #6

                        Changes in version 0.2.2                        

  - Export nbeta, instead of keeping internal
  - This fixes the install errors
  - On linux, data objects are not properly exported. See #2

                        Changes in version 0.2.1                        

  - added syncytiotrophoblast reference cpgs

                        Changes in version 0.2.0                        

  - added pl_cell_cpgs_first and pl_cell_cpgs_third for cell composition

                        Changes in version 0.1.1                        

  - copied glmnet:::glment_softmax code to be compatible with new glmnet

                        Changes in version 0.1.0                        

  - Added pl_infer_age to infer gestational age using Lee Y et al.
    placental DNAm clock.
  - Modified example data to contain less probes and more samples, to
    save space but still be useful in the examples.

                     Changes in version                      

  - Added a file to track changes to the package.