*              0.1 SERIES NEWS                   *

New package for prediction of nucleosome positioning.

*              1.1 SERIES NEWS                   *
ver. 1.1.1/2018-11-30
The new biocViews tag "ImmunoOncology" was added
to the biocViews field of the DESCRIPTION file.

ver. 1.1.3/2019-01-22
Parameters (linker length distribution for budding
and fission yeasts) in sysdata.rda were replaced.

The above replacement slightly affect the 
calculation results of predNuCpos and mutNuCpos.
HBA and localHBA will not be affected.

ver. 1.1.5/2019-02-04
Parameters for localHBA in sysdata.rda were renamed.
Fortran code for localHBA was replaced to fit 
the above change.
The output of localHBA will not be affected.

*              1.5 SERIES NEWS                   *
ver. 1.5.1/2019-11-08
predNuCposActLikePredNuPoP.R, nuCpos_1.f90, 
nuCpos_2.f90, HBA.R, HBA_3.f90, localHBA.R, 
localHBA_3.f90, predNuCposInternal.R, 
nuCpos2_1.f90, nuCpos2_2.f90 and mutNuCpos.R 
were revised not to pass character string to 
Fortran subroutines.

* Note (2022-08-03)
* The above statements on ver. 1.5.1 was incorrect.
* They were on ver. 1.15.0.

*              1.15 SERIES NEWS                   *
ver. 1.15.1/2022-08-08
Acknowledging the update of NuPoP, the abstract 
and manual of nuCpos were modified.
mutNuCpos was removed.

ver. 1.15.2/2022-08-09
bug fix

ver. 1.15.3/2022-08-10
bug fix

*              1.17 SERIES NEWS                   *
ver. 1.17.1/2023-02-14
predNuCpos was removed as a similar function is 
available in NuPoP. 

ver. 1.17.2/2023-02-14
bug fix

ver. 1.17.3/2023-02-15
HBA was replaced with a new version, which does 
not invoke a fortran subroutine.

ver. 1.17.4/2023-02-16
localHBA was replaced with a new version, 
which does not invoke a fortran subroutine.