Changes in version 1.41                         

Changes in version 1.41.1

  - Drop getHpa() function and use base R or tidyverse (as illustrated
    in the vignette).
  - Repalce getHpa(type = "details") by browseHPA().
  - Serve data through ExperimentHub.
  - Update to HPA release 21.1 <2022-05-31 Tue>
  - New datasets added: rnaConsensusTissue, rnaHpaTissue, rnaGtexTissue,
  - The dataset rnaGeneTissue becomes rnaGeneTissue21.0 as no longer
    available in version 21.1

                        Changes in version 1.37                         

Changes in version 1.37.1

  - Update to HPA release 21.0 <2021-11-22 Mon>

                        Changes in version 1.35                         

Changes in version 1.35.1

  - Suggest rmarkdown

Changes in version 1.35.0

  - New Bioc devel version

                        Changes in version 1.33                         

Changes in version 1.33.3

  - Private getHpaRelease() and newHpaVersion() functions that extracts
    the version, date and ensembl version from the Human Protein Atlas
    webpage and compares the version to the data in hpar.

Changes in version 1.33.2

  - Update to HPA release 20.0 <2020-11-24 Thu>

Changes in version 1.33.1

  - Update to HPA release 19.3 (2020.03.06) <2020-10-26 Mon>
  - New release for Bioconductor devel 3.12 <2020-10-26 Mon>
  - Updated R version (>= 3.5.0) in Depends field <2020-10-26 Mon>
  - Added the Secretome data <2020-10-28 Wed>
  - Updated the documentation and docs folder for pkgdown <2020-10-29
  - Automated allHparData() <2020-10-29 Thu>

Changes in version 1.33.0

  - New Bioc devel version

                        Changes in version 1.29                         

Changes in version 1.29.1

  - Update email address <2020-03-29 Sun>

                        Changes in version 1.25                         

Changes in version 1.25.1

  - Update to HPA release 18.1 <2019-01-21 Mon>

Changes in version 1.25.0

  - New release for Bioconductor devel 3.9

                        Changes in version 1.24                         

Changes in version 1.24.0

  - New release for Bioconductor 3.8

                        Changes in version 1.23                         

Changes in version 1.23.4

  - Update README to use BiocManager <2018-09-03 Mon>

Changes in version 1.23.3

  - Use BiocManager for installation <2018-07-19 Thu>

Changes in version 1.23.2

  - Rename 16.1 objects <2018-05-23 Wed>

Changes in version 1.23.1

  - New Bioconductor devel
  - Update to HPA version 18

                        Changes in version 1.22                         

Changes in version 1.22.0

  - New Bioconductor release

                        Changes in version 1.21                         

Changes in version 1.21.1

  - use html_document (rather that deprecated html_document2)
    <2018-01-19 Fri>

                        Changes in version 1.19                         

Changes in version 1.19.1

  - Re-generate data sets from scripts/getHpaData.R, as discrepancies
    with the data downloaded form the hpa site were documented by Martin
    Bush <2017-07-19 Wed>

Changes in version 1.19.0

  - new Bioconductor devel

Changes in version 1.18.0

  - new Bioconductor release

Changes in version 1.17.2

  - Update to HPA version 16.1 (2017.01.31) <2017-02-14 Tue>

Changes in version 1.17.1

  - Using travis and codecov <2016-12-22 Thu>
  - Migrate vignette to BiocStyle's html2 <2016-12-22 Thu>

Changes in version 1.17.0

  - Bioconductor devel 3.5

Changes in version 1.16.0

  - Bioconductor release 3.4

Changes in version 1.15.3

  - Updating to HPA version 15, with new datasets <2016-09-14 Wed>

Changes in version 1.15.2

  - Version bump to trigger package rebuilding now that purl()'ing issue
    has been correctly identified. knitr does not create purl()'ed
    (Stangle equivalent) .R files if R_CHECK_TIMINGS is set, which the
    build system was setting. Now it's not set, so these .R files are
    now created. See for
    more. r117512 | d.tenenbaum | 2016-05-15 21:14:22 +0100 (Sun, 15 May
    2016) | 6 lines

Changes in version 1.15.1

  - Bump version of all packages that use knitr for vignettes. This is
    because of an issue (now fixed) in knitr which failed to create
    purl()'ed R files from vignette sources and include them in the
    package. This version bump will cause these packages to propagate
    with those R files included. r117081 | d.tenenbaum | 2016-05-03
    22:30:44 +0100 (Tue, 03 May 2016) | 2 lines

Changes in version 1.15.0

  - Bioc version 3.3

Changes in version 1.13.0

  - Bioc version 3.1

Changes in version 1.11.1

  - unit tests <2015-06-30 Tue>

Changes in version 1.11.0

  - Bio version 3.2 (devel)

Changes in version 1.10.0

  - Bio version 3.1 (release)

Changes in version 1.9.1

  - Updated to HPA version 13 <2014-11-15 Sat>
  - Use BiocStyle for vignette <2014-11-15 Sat>

Changes in version 1.3.1

  - Updated to HPA version 11 <2013-04-11 Thu>

Changes in version 1.3.0

  - Bioc 2.13 devel version bump

Changes in version 1.2.0

  - Bioc 2.12 stable version bump

Changes in version 1.1.2

  - Vignette update for knitr 1.0 compatibility, thanks Dan! <2013-01-15

Changes in version 1.1.1

  - fixing vignette <2012-10-02 Tue>

Changes in version 1.1.0

  - version bump for new devel <2012-10-01 Mon>

                        Changes in version 0.99                         

Changes in version 0.99.1

  - Added collate field <2012-09-14 Fri>
  - Updated to HPA version 10 <2012-09-15 Sat>
  - Updated installation part in section to use biocLite <2012-09-15

Changes in version 0.99.0

  - Added vignette <2012-09-06 Thu>

Changes in version 0.1.0

  - Initial commit <2012-09-06 Thu>