Changes in Version 1.3.1 (2018-11-02)

o dmrseq now requires that input BSseq objects be ordered (as the BSseq() 
  constructor no longer automatically orders loci).

Changes in Version 1.1.20 (2018-10-11)

o Minor bug fix for a rare situation that occured in the case of a multi-level 
  covariate of interest if the region level model fitting procedure did not 

Changes in Version 1.1.2 (2018-05-09)

o The newly added `chrsPerChunk` argument specifies the number of chromosomes
  to compute at a time (default is 1). 

Changes in Version 0.99.11 (2018-04-05)

o dmrseq now provides support for detecting large-scale methylation blocks. To
  use this feature, specify `block=TRUE`, and increase the smoothing span 
  parameters `minInSpan`, `bpSpan`, and `maxGapSmooth`. More details are 
  provided in the documentation and vignette.

Changes in Version 0.99.8 (2018-03-21)

o dmrseq no longer requires balanced, two-group comparisons. To run using a 
  continuous or categorial covariate with more than two groups, simply pass in
  the name of a column in `pData` that contains this covariate. A continuous
  covariate is assmued if the data type in the `testCovariate` slot is 
  continuous, with the exception of if there are only two unique values (then a
  two group comparison is carried out).

Version 0.99.6 (2018-03-02)

o dmrseq is now available on Bioconductor devel (3.7) !