Changes in version 1.1.1 (2018-12-28)
+ Add reselectMG() to help select markers from all probes
+ Add redoASest() to re-estimate A and S matrix and optionally apply ALS
+ Add option for greedy search by sffsHull() function
+ Add sample.wight option for CAM(), CAMPrep() and add SW for CAMPrepObj class
+ Add generalNMF option which has no sum-to-one constraint
+ Fix bug caused by NMF::.fcnnls() and import more robust function nnls::nnls()
+ Fix bug in space median when dimenion is 2
+ Decrease Kmeans repetition times when input data has too many data points
+ Enhance simplex plot

Changes in version 1.3.3 (2019-10-28)
+ Change package name from CAMTHC to debCAM