Changes in version 1.20.1                        

  - When running cTRAP(), raise error if commonPath does not exist
  - Fix modular graphical interface functions not showing dropdown
  - Update icon names for FontAwesome 6

                       Changes in version 1.14.1                        

  - Add cTRAP version to welcome modal
  - Fix crash when submitting Celery job (included missing floweRy
  - Fix large JSON responses from DT blocked by reverse proxy default

                       Changes in version 1.12.0                        

Web server support (optimised to run in ShinyProxy)

  - cTRAP(): new global interface with all cTRAP functionality in one
      - Sessions can be created and loaded via a token or a RDS file
      - Session data is automatically saved in a RDS file to a folder in
        the working directory named based on the current session token
      - Long-running tasks can be performed in the background using the
        Celery task manager via Flower's REST API and their output is
        automatically loaded in the corresponding session
      - Loading icon in navigation menu when Shiny is busy
  - Use the faster and efficient file format from R package qs instead
    of RDS:
      - Faster download and loading of pre-processed remote files
        (compound molecular descriptors and gene expression and drug
        sensitivity associations)

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  - convertGeneIdentifiers() replaces convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbols():
      - Use AnnotationHub to convert to gene symbols (instead of biomaRt
        that has been unstable)
  - loadENCODEsamples():
      - New argument to select folder where to download data
  - analyseDrugSetEnrichment():
      - Cross-match more compounds between datasets by discarding
        non-alphanumeric characters and ignoring case
      - Fix incorrect columns used for each dataset when merging
  - Visual interface:
      - Fix crash when plotting dataset comparison using values with too
        many zeroes for density estimation
      - Add progress bars for slower tasks
      - Fix crash when using shiny 1.7.0 (avoid malformed, custom UI
  - Drug set enrichment analysis interface:
      - Show all drug sets available to (down)load
      - Show loading indicator when loading different drug sets
      - Hide "leading edge" column of the results by default

                       Changes in version 1.10.1                        

  - Fix crash when opening CMap's visual interface functions with
    shiny 1.7.0

                       Changes in version 1.10.0                        

Improvements to graphical interface functions:

  - New launchDrugSetEnrichmentAnalysis() function to analyse drug set
    enrichment and visualize respective results
  - launchCMapDataLoader():
      - Now allows to load multiple CMap perturbation types
      - Keep selected timepoint, dosage and cell line options when
        selecting another perturbation type
      - Add bubble plot of CMap perturbation types
  - launchResultPlotter():
      - Now allows to view tables below specific plots and
        drag-and-select those plots to filter data in those same tables
      - When plotting targeting drugs and similar perturbations, update
        available columns and correctly use user-selected column to plot
  - launchMetadataViewer() now correctly parses values from Input
    attributes as numeric

Major changes

  - prepareCMapPerturbations(): directly set perturbation type, cell
    line, timepoint and dosage conditions as arguments
  - rankSimilarPerturbations() and predictTargetingDrugs():
      - Avoid redundant loading of data chunks, slightly decreasing run
      - Lower memory footprint when using NCI60's gene expression and
        drug sensitivity association (now available in HDF5 files) by
        loading and processing data in chunks
      - Faster GSEA-based score calculation (up to 4-7 times faster)
      - New threads argument allows to set number of parallel threads
        (not supported on Windows)
      - New chunkGiB argument allows to set size of data chunks when
        reading from supported HDF5 files (decreases peak RAM usage)
      - New verbose argument allows to increase details printed in the
  - prepareDrugSets(): allow greater control on the creation of bins
    based on numeric columns, including the setting of maximum number of
    bins per column and minimum bin size
  - analyseDrugSetEnrichment() and plotDrugSetEnrichment(): allow to
    select columns to use when comparing compound identifiers between

Bug fixes and minor changes

  - filterCMapMetadata(): allow filtering CMap metadata based on
    multiple perturbation types
  - prepareDrugSets(): fix issues with 3D descriptors containing missing
  - plot():
      - Fix wrong labels when plotting targetingDrugs objects
      - Avoid printing "NA" in labels identifying metadata for
  - plotTargetingDrugsVSsimilarPerturbations():
      - Fix highlighting of plot points depending whether drug activity
        is directly proportional to drug sensitivity
      - Include rug plot
  - When subsetting a perturbationChanges or an
    expressionDrugSensitivityAssociation object, passing only one
    argument extracts its columns as in previous versions of cTRAP
    (similarly to when subsetting a data.frame)
  - analyseDrugSetEnrichment(): for the resulting table, the name of the
    first column was renamed from pathway to descriptor

                         Changes in version 1.8                         

Interactive functions for loading data and analysing results

  - New Shiny-based graphical interface functions:
      - launchDiffExprLoader(): load differential expression data
      - launchCMapDataLoader(): load CMap data
      - launchResultPlotter(): view and plot data results
      - launchMetadataViewer(): check metadata of a given object

Major changes

  - downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata(): metadata is automatically saved
    to a file in order to avoid downloading metadata every time this
    function is run
  - plotTargetingDrugsVSsimilarPerturbations():
      - automatically look for matching compounds in multiple columns of
        both datasets
      - allow to manually select columns on which to merge datasets
  - prepareDrugSets(): drug sets based on numeric molecular descriptors
    are now prepared using evenly-distributed intervals
  - Simplify tutorial

                        Changes in version 1.6.1                        

  - listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation() lists available gene
    expression and drug sensitivity associations
  - First argument of rankSimilarPerturbations() and
    predictTargetingDrugs() changed name from diffExprGenes to input and
    now accepts:
      - Named numeric vector containing differential gene expression
        values with gene symbols as names, as before;
      - Character vector containing a custom gene set to test for
        enrichment (only to use with GSEA).
  - In rankSimilarPerturbations() and predictTargetingDrugs(), when
    performing gsea method, allow to set different gene set size for top
    up- and down-regulated genes with geneSize argument:
      - e.g. geneSize=c(100, 200) creates gene sets from the top 100 up-
        and top 200 down-regulated genes
      - using geneSize=c(150, 150) or geneSize=150 is equivalent
  - Plotting:
      - plot() now supports plotting predictTargetingDrugs() results for
        a given drug, e.g. plot(targetingDrugs, "1425")
      - plot() now allows to set plot title with argument title
      - plot() now plots results based on available methods instead of
        trying to plot based on results from spearman method only
      - GSEA plots now support two or less gene hits
      - GSEA plots now support plotting of multiple perturbations
      - GESA plots now show the first and last values of ranked genes
      - plotDrugSetEnrichment() now returns a list whose names are drug
        set names
  - as.table() improvements:
      - Return cell identifiers and gene information (if available and
        as needed)
      - Support predictTargetingDrugs() results
      - Return results ordered as found on input

Bug fixes and minor changes

  - downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata() now correctly retrieves metadata
    following a change in the metadata content from ENCODE
  - Fix bugs when rendering GSEA plots due to deprecated functions in
  - Improve tutorial
  - Copy-edit CMap-related console messages
  - Copy-edit function documentation

                         Changes in version 1.4                         

New features

  - Predict targeting drugs (predictTargetingDrugs()):
      - Based on expression and drug sensitivity associations derived
        from NCI60, CTRP and GDSC data (see
      - Compare user-provided differential expression profile with gene
        expression and drug sensitivity associations to predict
        targeting drugs and their targeted genes
      - Compounds are ranked based on their relative targeting potential
      - Plot candidate targeting drugs against ranked compound
        perturbations using plotTargetingDrugsVSsimilarPerturbations(),
        highlighting compounds that selectively select against cells
        with a similar differential gene expression profile
  - Analyse drug set enrichment (analyseDrugSetEnrichment()):
      - Prepare drug sets based on a table with compound identifiers and
        respective 2D and 3D molecular descriptors using
      - Test drug set enrichment on results from
        rankSimilarPerturbations() (when ranking against compound
        perturbations) and predictTargetingDrugs()
  - Convert ENSEMBL identifiers to gene symbols using

Major changes

  - Update the tutorial and function documentation
  - Remove most L1000 instances, including in function names:
      - getL1000perturbationTypes() -> getCMapPerturbationTypes()
      - getL1000conditions() -> getCMapConditions()
      - downloadL1000data() -> loadCMapData()
      - filterL1000metadata() -> filterCMapMetadata()
      - loadL1000perturbations() -> prepareCMapPerturbations()
      - compareAgainstL1000() -> rankSimilarPerturbations()
      - plotL1000comparison() -> plot()
  - Improve loading of ENCODE samples (loadENCODEsamples()):
      - Rename function from downloadENCODEsamples() to
      - Load ENCODE samples regarding multiple cell lines and experiment
        targets using loadENCODEsamples()
  - Improve CMap data and metadata retrieval:
      - By default, do not return control perturbation types when using
        getCMapPerturbationTypes() (unless if using argument control =
      - Parse CMap identifiers using parseCMapID()
      - Load CMap's compound metadata using loadCMapData()
      - Ask to download CMap perturbations z-scores file for
        differential expression if not found (avoiding downloading a
        huge file without user consent)
  - Improve preparation of CMap perturbations
      - Allow to load CMap metadata directly from files when using file
        paths as arguments of prepareCMapPerturbations()
      - Significantly decrease memory required to use cTRAP by loading
        chunks of z-scores from CMap perturbations on-demand (a slight
        decrease in time performance is expected), unless
        prepareCMapPerturbations() is run with argument loadZscores =
      - Display summary of loaded perturbations after running
  - Improve ranking of similar perturbations
      - Redesigned output: long (instead of wide) table
      - By default, calculate mean across cell lines if there is more
        than one cell line available; disabled if argument cellLineMean
        = FALSE
      - Allow to rank (or not) individual cell line perturbations
        (argument rankIndividualCellLinePerturbations) when the mean is
      - Allow to perform multiple comparison methods if desired (by
        providing a vector of supported methods via the method argument)
      - Calculate the rank product's rank to assess ranks across
        multiple methods
      - Sort results based on rank product's rank (or the rank of the
        only comparison method performed, otherwise)
      - Include information for calculated means across cell lines in
      - Include run time as an attribute
  - Improve metadata display for a similarPerturbations object, obtained
    after running rankSimilarPerturbations():
      - Show further metadata information (including compound data, if
        available) related with a given perturbation by calling print()
        with a similarPerturbations object and a specific perturbation
      - Show a complete table with metadata (and compound information,
        if available) when calling as.table() with a
        similarPerturbations object
  - Improve plotting (plot()):
      - Plot comparison results against all compared data by calling
        plot() with the results obtained after running
        rankSimilarPerturbations() or predictTargetingDrugs();
        non-ranked compared data can also be plotted with argument
        plotNonRankedPerturbations = TRUE
      - Render scatter and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) plots
        between differential expression results and a single
        perturbation by calling plot() with a perturbationChanges object
        (if an identifier regarding the summary of multiple
        perturbations scores across cell lines is given, the plots are
        coloured by cell line)
      - When displaying GSEA plots, plot results for most up- and
        down-regulated user-provided differentially expressed genes (by
      - Improve GSEA plot style, including rug plot in enrichment score
        plot (replacing the gene hit plot)

Bug fixes and minor changes

  - CMap metadata minor improvements:
      - Improve list returned by getCMapConditions(), including sorting
        of dose and time points
      - Correctly set instances of -666 in CMap metadata as missing
        values and fix specific issues with metadata (such as doses
        displayed as 300 ng|300 ng)
      - In compound metadata, fix missing values showing as literal "NA"
  - CMap perturbation minor improvements:
      - Fix error when subsetting a perturbationChanges object with only
        one row
      - Improve performance when subsetting perturbationChanges objects
  - Minor improvements to rankSimilarPerturbations():
      - Correctly set name of perturbations depending on their type
        (genes, biological agents or compounds)
      - Improve performance when correlating against multiple cell lines
      - Remove cellLine argument (please filter conditions with upstream
        functions such as filterCMapMetadata())
      - Fix incorrect label of first column identifiers
      - Report run time and settings used
      - Perform comparisons against perturbations disregarding their
        cell lines (faster runtime)
      - Fix error when trying to calculate the mean for cell lines with
        no intersecting conditions available
      - Clearly state to the user when no intersecting genes were found
        between input dataset and CMap data
  - Minor improvements to plot():
      - Improve rendering performance of the GSEA plot
      - Fix disproportionate height between top and bottom enrichment
        score panels in GSEA plots
  - Update demo datasets:
      - Update the cmapPerturbationsCompounds and cmapPerturbationsKD
        datasets according to new internal changes and fix their
        respective code in the documentation
  - Include license and copyright text for cmapR code

                        Changes in version 1.0.3                        

  - Add tag ImmunoOncology to BiocViews

                        Changes in version 1.0.2                        

  - Fix comparison against CMap perturbations using gene set enrichment
    analysis (the resulting score was the additive inverse of the real

                        Changes in version 1.0.1                        

  - Update title, author names, version and README
  - Remove biomaRt dependency
  - By default, getL1000conditions() now shows CMap perturbation types
    except for controls
  - Compare against CMap perturbations (compareAgainstL1000()):
      - Remove "_t" from resulting column names (as the t-statistic may
        or may not be used)
      - Select p-value adjustment method when performing correlation
        analyses (Benjamini-Hochberg is set by default)
  - Documentation:
      - Fix obsolete function calls in function documentation
      - Hide non-exported functions from reference PDF manual