Changes in version 1.1                         

bandle 1.1.3

  - add more details in the documentation on how to fitGPs and pass
    hyppar to fitGPmaternPC
  - updated typos in vignettes and removed calls to unecessary libraries
  - added installation troubleshooting section to README to advise users
    of potential missing binary libraries

bandle 1.1.2

  - fix bug in plotConvergence function

bandle 1.1.1

  - use gh actions to build site

version 1.1.0

  - fix typos
  - upstream changes from bioconductor

                         Changes in version 1.0                         

  - Bioconductor 3.15 release

version 0.99.12

  - update README
  - fixed typos in landing page

version 0.99.11

  - update readme for pkgdown

version 0.99.10

  - add ORCID for Lisa

version 0.99.9

  - reduced chains to speed up build

version 0.99.8

  - minor bioc changes

version 0.99.7

  - speed up package compiling
  - fixing compiling issues

version 0.99.6

  - fix pointer to self in compiled code

version 0.99.5

  - remove timeout issues

version 0.99.4

  - fix bioconductor review suggestions

version 0.99.2

  - bioconductor stable version initialized

version 0.0

  - initial package commit