SC3 News

SC3 1.5.5 (Release date: 2017-10-19):
    * `scater` now works based on `SingleCellExperiment` class
    * `sc3` slot has moved to the `metadata` slot of `SingleCellExperiment` class
    * `scater` class is completely deprecated from `SC3`
    * All `scater` functionality can work on `SingleCellExperiment` class
    * Clustering logic hasn't been changed at all

SC3 1.3.7 (Release date: 2016-11-23):
    * RSelenium functionality is removed due to no further support
    * All results (clustering and biology) are now written to phenoData and 
    featureData slots of the input 'SCESet' object
    * 'Labels' and 'Cell Outliers' tabs in the interactive shiny session are removed,
    because these data can now be visualized on the other heatmaps

SC3 1.1.7 (Release date: 2016-09-14):

    * Added integration with `scater` package
    * Added full non-interactive support

SC3 1.1.6 (Release date: 2016-08-04):

    * Optimised distance and consensus calculations using Rccp
    * Optimised some other bits and pieces
    * `SC3` is now up to 2 times faster for 1000 cells datasets

SC3 1.1.5 (Release date: 2016-06-28):

    * Added svm.train.inds parameter - it allows a user to train SVM on a 
    selected subset of cells

SC3 0.99.37 (Release date: 2016-04-15):

    * tSNE panel is added to the interactive session
    * additional table has been added to the output - it contains original and new
    cell labels in the order corresponding to the order of cells in the input
    expression matrix
    * three functions corresponding to biological interpretation are now exported
    and can be used manually: get_de_genes, get_marker_genes, get_outl_cells. See
    their documentation for more details
    * several bugs have been fixed

SC3 0.99.23 (Release date: 2016-03-01):

    * Major redesign
    * Added description panels
    * Fixed a bug with RSelenium
    * Added a proper Excel export using WriteXLS library

SC3 0.99.0 (Release date: 2015-12-10):

    * The first version 0.99.0 is submitted to Bioconductor