Changes in version 1.13.26                       

  - New POMA theme and colorblind-friendly palette
  - Available sample normalization (sum and quantile)
  - New feature normalization methods
  - Extensive review and improvement of all POMA functions
  - Major documentation updates
  - Rename PomaSummarizedExperiment to PomaCreateObject
  - Auto-recognition of variable types and automatic variable
    re-labeling in PomaCreateObject
  - Available violin plots with PomaBoxplots
  - New functions PomaPCA and PomaPLS as stand-alone functions from the
    old PomaMultivariate (deprecated)
  - Other new functions: PomaLM, PomaLMM
  - Post-hoc pairwise comparisons in PomaUnivariate
  - Update tests and vignettes

                       Changes in version 1.7.19                        

  - New biocViews and Description
  - Call external packages within each POMA function for consistency
  - New methods: UMAP, PCR (Principal Components Regression), RNA-seq
    analysis (via DESeq2 package)
  - Add different statistical methods in PomaVolcano()
  - Estimate relative quality weights in PomaLimma()
  - Update tests
  - Update vignettes
  - Several bug fixes

                       Changes in version 1.5.16                        

  - MSnbase::MSnSet class has been replaced by the SummarizedExperiment
  - Color scale for all plots set to viridis (without yellow)
  - All output tables provided as tibble instead of matrix or data.frame
  - Allow users to select specific covariates and their position
    (importance) in the model for PomaLimma, PomaUnivariate(method =
    "anova"), and PomaOddsRatio
  - Add SD to PomaUnivariate output tables
  - Reduce dependencies
  - Update vignettes
  - Update documentation
  - Some other major and minor improvements
  - Some minor bugs and typos fixed
  - New "loading plot" in PCA
  - Compute p-values and FDR in PomaCorr

                       Changes in version 1.1.15                        

  - Remove reshape2 and Biobase packages from Imports
  - Implement viridis palette for PomaBoxplots, PomaDensity, and
  - Update mixOmics output names in PomaMultivariate
  - New package description and biocViews
  - Bug fixed in PomaMultivariate

                        Changes in version 1.1.8                        

  - PomaNorm and PomaImpute warnings when methos parameter is missing
    passed to messages
  - Minor bugs fixed
  - Minor changes in plots style
  - plotly package used in PomaVolcano switched to Suggests
  - Bioconductor badge table added to README

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

  - Released to Bioconductor 3.12

                       Changes in version 0.99.45                       

  - PomaOutliers bug fixed
  - New references in PomaRankProd help
  - PomaLimma and PomaUnivariate bug related with one covariate analysis
  - The elbow method to calculate the optimum number of clusters has
    been added in PomaClust function

                       Changes in version 0.99.37                       

  - POMA has been accepted to Bioconductor!
  - PomaRankProd minor bug fixed
  - Authors updated
  - Bioconductor logo

                       Changes in version 0.99.33                       

  - All Bioconductor issues in the review process have been addressed
  - POMA EDA vignette added

                       Changes in version 0.99.16                       

  - BiocCeck requirements fixed
  - Examples added in functions
  - pkgdown files removed from master branch

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

  - POMA is now submitted to Bioconductor!
  - All features implemented work as expected
  - All tests finished
  - Achieved desired coverage (>95%)
  - Vignettes and documentation are ready for the first release