# Change log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Here we
will document changes to major new releases only (not point releases).

## [1.19.1] -- 2020-08-31
	- fix to accommodate breaking changes introduced in data.table package.

## [1.9.0] -- 2017

	- allow loadRegionDB to accept a character vector or loaded regionDB object

## [1.8.0] -- 2017-10-30

	- rename rnkLO column to rnkOR
	- merged all past updates from get dev version, into bioconductor git repository
	- updated readBed to correct 0-based vs 1-based coordinates
	- enabled testing for either enrichment or depletion via the 'direction' argument
	- handle bed files with various styles of strand
	- fixes issues with reshape2 and data.table melt function
	- adds convenience functions for getRegionFile and plotTopLOLAEnrichments
	- add refreshSizes option in readRegionSetAnnotation
## [1.7.0] -- 2017-04-24

	- bioconductor branch

## [1.0.0]

	- First version released at Bioconductor