Changes in version 1.3.1                        

  - Bug fix for input data formats: matrices with named rownames and
  - Vignette updates
  - Citation updates
  - Contact updates

                       Changes in version 0.99.11                       

  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.10                       

  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.9                        

  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.8                        

  - Bug fix
  - Reduce data size

                       Changes in version 0.99.7                        

  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.6                        

  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.5                        

  - Data reformatting

                       Changes in version 0.99.4                        

  - Revised formatting for Bioconductor submission.
  - Bug fix

                       Changes in version 0.99.3                        

  - Reduce size of tutorial data

                       Changes in version 0.99.2                        

  - Force bioconductor rebuild

                       Changes in version 0.99.1                        

  - Updated formatting for Bioconductor submission.
  - Reduced size of sample dataset
  - Updated default number of cores to 2

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

  - Formatted to submit to Bioconductor.
  - Add SingleCellExperiment functionality.
  - Update vignette with SingleCellExperiment example.