Changes in version 1.6.0                        

	MPI for parallel computing is avaliable under R 4.0.0 for linux
	and Mac OS platforms.

	Gene expression data of normal tissues (Lung, Prostate and
	Thyroid) from the GTEx study are included.

	Rename DeMixT_S1 function to DeMixT_DE.

                        Changes in version 1.4.0                        

	Disabled OpenMP under R 4.0.0 for Mac OS platform.

                        Changes in version 1.2.5                        

	Added pi01 and pi02 as input values for users to initialize the
	proportion estimation.

	Added nspikein as an input value in the DeMixT, DeMixT_S1 and
	DeMixT_GS functions to specify how many spike-in normal
	reference samples need to be generated; Setting nspikein at
	null as a default value, the number of spike-in normal
	reference samples equal the min(200, 0.3 x My), where My is the
	number of mixed samples; By setting nspikein equals 0, no
	spike-in normal reference will be generated; If the input value
	of data.N2 is not null, nspikein will be forced to be 0.

	Added DeMixT_GS function, new proposed gene selection method
	which applies profile likelihood, for proportion estimation.

	Added simulate_2comp function for users to simulate test data
	for 2-component de-convolution.

	Added simulate_3comp function for users to simulate test data
	for 3-component de-convolution.

	Added row names and column names for all output values.

	Added gene.selection.method as an input value for DeMixT
	function.  The default is 'GS'.

	Added ngene.Profile.selected as an input value for DeMixT
	function. The default is NA.

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

	New package DeMixT, for cell type-specific deconvolution of
	heterogeneous tumor samples with two or three components using
	expression data from RNAseq or microarray platforms