Changes in version 3.29.2                        

  - fix bugs in get_ont_info() and get_dose_data(): wrong object name
    and wrong data type (2023-11-30, Thu)

                       Changes in version 3.29.1                        

  - mv 'MPO.db' and 'HPO.db' from 'Imports' to 'Suggests' and fixed bugs
    (2023-11-18, Sat)

                       Changes in version 3.28.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_18 (2023-10-25, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.27.3                        

  - update TERM2NAME() to return term if corresponding name not found.
    (2023-10-09, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.27.2                        

  - use 'MPO.db' and 'HPO.db' to support phenotype ontology for mouse
    and human (2023-06-30, Fri)

                       Changes in version 3.27.1                        

  - options(enrichment_force_universe = TRUE) will force enrichment
    analysis to intersect the universe with gene sets (2023-05-03, Wed)
  - use inherits to judge the class of objects (2022-11-20, Sun)
  - test whether slot in GSON object is NULL (e.g., GSON@keytype) when
    assigning it to enrichment result (2022-11-07, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.26.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_17 (2023-05-03, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.24.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_16 (2022-11-02, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.23.3                        

  - replace DO.db to HDO.db (2022-10-7, Fri)
  - add values of organism, keytype and setType for GSEA_internal()
    (2022-09-21, Wed)
  - add values of organism, keytype and ontology for enricher_internal()
    (2022-09-21, Wed)
  - move inst/extdata/parse-obo.R to HDO.db package (2022-08-29, Mon)
  - rename qvalues to qvalue in gseaResult object (2022-08-29, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.23.2                        

  - Support GSON object in GSEA_internal() (2022-06-08, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.23.1                        

  - Support GSON object in enricher_internal() (2022-06-06, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.22.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.15 release

                       Changes in version 3.21.2                        

  - enable setReadable for compareCluster(GSEA algorithm)
    result(2021-12-13, Mon)
  - update the default order of GSEA result (2021-12-09, Thu)
      - if p.adjust is identical, sorted by abs(NES)

                       Changes in version 3.21.1                        

  - upate DisGeNET and NCG data (2021-11-14, Sun)
      - DisGeNET v7: 21671 genes, 30170 diseases and 1134942
        gene-disease associations
          - 194515 variants, 14155 diseases and 369554 variant-disease
      - NCG v7: 3177 cancer genes, 130 diseases and 6095 gene-disease

                       Changes in version 3.20.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.14 release

                       Changes in version 3.19.4                        

  - update clusterProfiler citation (2021-09-30, Thu)
  - upate error message of enricher_internal (2021-9-3, Fri)

                       Changes in version 3.19.3                        

  - upate DisGeNET and NCG data (2021-8-16, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.19.2                        

  - bug fixed, change '' to 'all('
    (2021-06-21, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.19.1                        

  - add dr slot to compareClusterResult, enrichRestul and
    gseaResult(2021-5-21, Fri)

                        Changes in version 3.18                         

  - Bioconductor 3.13 release

                        Changes in version 3.17                         

  - support setting seed for fgsea method if e.g. gseGO(seed = TRUE)
    (2020-10-28, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.16.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.12 release (2020-10-28, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.15.4                        

  - update setReadable and geneInCategory methods for
    compareClusterResult object (2020-10-12, Mon)

                       Changes in version 3.15.3                        

  - allow passing additional parameters to fgsea (2020-10-09, Fri)
  - add termsim and method slots to compareClusterResult, enrichRestul
    and gseaResult

                       Changes in version 3.15.2                        

  - update NCG and DGN data (2020-10-09, Thu)

                       Changes in version 3.14.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.11 release

                       Changes in version 3.13.2                        

  - fixed issue caused by R v4.0.0 (2020-03-12, Thu)
      - length > 1 in coercion to logical

                       Changes in version 3.13.1                        

  - remove S4Vectors dependencies (2019-12-19, Thu)
  - extend setReadable to support compareClusterResult (2019-12-02, Mon)
  - add gene2Symbol, keytype and readable slots for compareClusterResult
  - move compareClusterResult class definition from clusterProfiler
    (2019-11-01, Fri)

                       Changes in version 3.12.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.10 release

                       Changes in version 3.11.2                        

  - ignore universe and print a message if users passing accidentally
    passing wrong input (2019-10-24, Thu)
  - gene with minimal ES value (NES < 0) will be reported in
    core_enrichment (2019-07-31, Wed)

                       Changes in version 3.11.1                        

  - build_Anno now compatible with tibble (2019-05-28, Tue)

                       Changes in version 3.10.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.9 release

                        Changes in version 3.9.4                        

  - export parse_ratio (2019-03-29, Tue)

  - bug fixed of get_enriched (2019-01-14, Mon)

                        Changes in version 3.9.2                        

  - mv enrichment vignettes to clusterProfiler-book (2019-01-10, Thu)

                        Changes in version 3.9.1                        

  - asis parameter in [.enrichResult and [.gseaResult (2018-12-24, Mon)

                         Changes in version 3.8                         

  - Bioconductor 3.8 release

                        Changes in version 3.7.1                        

  - S3 accessor methods only return enriched terms. (2018-06-20, Wed)