Changes in version 1.11.15                       

    o   See changes in version 1.11.13 of the package Prostar

                       Changes in version 1.9.15                        


    o   When the aggregation step has been performed, the interface
	switches to the first tab of the 'Descriptive Statistics' in
	order to view informations aout the new dataset (the protein

    o   A new package (readxl) is used to read xls or xlxs files. In
	certain circumstances, the functions of the previsous package
	openxlsx is not able to decode properly Excel files.

    o   When converting a new (text or Excel) file in Prostar : the
	missing values were not registered as expected. Especially,
	they did not appear in blue in the table above the volcanoplot.
	Bug fixed


    o   Implementation of a parallel version of the function which
	saves the (new) protein dataset after the aggregation step.

    o   Enhancement of the string-based filtering UI

    o   The automatic generation of an analysis report has been
	integrated in the Dataset Manager (menu 'Export'). It allows
	the user to download plots and parameters used in Prostar ont
	their dataset.

    o   Implementation of a parallel version of the function which
	saves the (new) protein dataset after the aggregation step.

    o   Added a Gene Ontology (GO) analysis module in Data Processing.
	This module allows to perform GO grouping and GO Enrichment

    o   Several plots are now based on the package highcharter which is
	a wrapper to the highcharts graphical library. It provides
	interactivity with the user.