--- title: "gDRutils" author: "gDR team" output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{gDRutils} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ```{r setup} library(gDRutils) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(MultiAssayExperiment)) ``` # Overview `gDRutils` is the part of `gDR` suite. This package provides bunch of tools for, among others: * data manipulation, especially output of the `gDRcore` package (`MultiAssayExperiments` and `SummarizedExperiment`), * data extraction, * managing identifiers used for creating `gDR` experiments, * data validation. # Use cases ## Data manipulation The basic output of `gDRcore` package is the `MultiAssayExperiment` object. Function `MAEpply` allows for the data manipulation of this object, and can be used in a similar way as a basic function `lapply`. ```{r} mae <- get_synthetic_data("finalMAE_combo_matrix_small") MAEpply(mae, dim) ``` ```{r} MAEpply(mae, rowData) ``` This function allows also for extraction of unified data across all the `SummarizedExperiment`s inside `MultiAssayExperiment`, e.g. ```{r} MAEpply(mae, rowData, unify = TRUE) ``` ## Data extraction All the metrics data are stored inside `assays` of `SummarizedExperiment`. For the downstream analyses we provide tools allowing for the extraction of the data into user-friendly `data.table` style. There are two functions working on `MultiAssayExperiment` object (`convert_mae_assay_to_dt`) and for `SummarizedExperiment` (`convert_se_assay_to_dt`). ```{r} mdt <- convert_mae_assay_to_dt(mae, "Metrics") head(mdt, 3) ``` or alternatively for `SummarizedExperiment` object: ```{r} se <- mae[[1]] sdt <- convert_se_assay_to_dt(se, "Metrics") head(sdt, 3) ``` ## Managing gDR identifiers In `gDR` we require standard identifiers that should be visible in the input data, such as e.g. `Gnumber`, `CLID`, `Concentration`. However, user can define their own custom identifiers. To display gDR default identifier they can use `get_env_identifiers` function: ```{r} get_env_identifiers() ``` To change any of these identifiers user can use `set_env_identifier`, e.g. ```{r} set_env_identifier("concentration", "Dose") ``` and confirm, by displaying: ```{r} get_env_identifiers("concentration") ``` To restore default identifiers user can use `reset_env_identifiers`. ```{r} reset_env_identifiers() ``` ```{r} get_env_identifiers("concentration") ``` ## Data validation Applied custom changes in the gDR output can upset internal functions operation. Custom changes can be validated using `validate_MAE` ```{r} validate_MAE(mae) ``` or `validate_SE`. ```{r} validate_SE(se) ``` ```{r, error=TRUE} assay(se, "Normalized") <- NULL validate_SE(se) ``` # SessionInfo {-} ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```