--- title: "Structure and content of RAVmodel" author: "Sehyun Oh" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`" vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction on RAVmodel} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document: number_sections: yes toc: yes toc_depth: 4 --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` # Citing GenomicSuperSignature Please cite GenomicSuperSignature as follows: Oh, S., Geistlinger, L., Ramos, M. _et al._ GenomicSuperSignature facilitates interpretation of RNA-seq experiments through robust, efficient comparison to public databases. Nat Commun 13, 3695 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31411-3 # Setup ## Install and load package ```{r eval = FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager")) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("GenomicSuperSignature") ``` ```{r results="hide", message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(GenomicSuperSignature) ``` ## Download RAVmodel You can download GenomicSuperSignature from Google Cloud bucket using `GenomicSuperSignature::getModel` function. Currently available models are built from top 20 PCs of 536 studies (containing 44,890 samples) containing 13,934 common genes from each of 536 study's top 90% varying genes based on their study-level standard deviation. There are two versions of this RAVmodel annotated with different gene sets for GSEA: MSigDB C2 (`C2`) and three priors from PLIER package (`PLIERpriors`). In this vignette, we are showing the `C2` annotated model. Note that the first interactive run of this code, you will be asked to allow R to create a cache directory. The model file will be stored there and subsequent calls to `getModel` will read from the cache. ```{r load_model} RAVmodel <- getModel("C2", load=TRUE) ``` # Content of RAVmodel `RAVindex` is a matrix containing genes in rows and RAVs in columns. `colData` slot provides the information on each RAVs, such as GSEA annotation and studies involved in each cluster. `metadata` slot stores model construction information. `trainingData` slot contains the information on individual studies in training dataset, such as MeSH terms assigned to each study. ```{r} RAVmodel version(RAVmodel) geneSets(RAVmodel) ```
## RAVindex *R*eplicable *A*xis of *V*ariation (RAV) index is the main component of GenomicSuperSignature. It serves as an index connecting new datasets and the existing database. You can access it through `GenomicSuperSignature::RAVindex` (equivalent of `SummarizedExperiment::assay`). Rows are genes and columns are RAVs. Here, RAVmodel consists of 13,934 genes and 4,764 RAVs. ```{r} class(RAVindex(RAVmodel)) dim(RAVindex(RAVmodel)) RAVindex(RAVmodel)[1:4, 1:4] ``` ## Metadata for RAVmodel Metadata slot of RAVmodel contains information related to the model building. ```{r} names(metadata(RAVmodel)) ``` * `cluster` : cluster membership of each PCs from the training dataset * `size` : an integer vector with the length of clusters, containing the number of PCs in each cluster * `k` : the number of all clusters in the given RAVmodel * `n` : the number of top PCs kept from each study in the training dataset * `geneSets` : the name of gene sets used for GSEA annotation * `MeSH_freq` : the frequency of MeSH terms associated with the training dataset. MeSH terms like 'Humans' and 'RNA-seq' are top ranked (which is very expected) because the training dataset of this model is Human RNA sequencing data. * `updateNote` : a brief note on the given model's specification * `version` : the version of the given model ```{r} head(metadata(RAVmodel)$cluster) head(metadata(RAVmodel)$size) metadata(RAVmodel)$k metadata(RAVmodel)$n geneSets(RAVmodel) head(metadata(RAVmodel)$MeSH_freq) updateNote(RAVmodel) metadata(RAVmodel)$version ``` ## Studies in each RAV You can find which studies are in each cluster using `studies` method. Output is a list with the length of clusters, where each element is a character vector containing the name of studies in each cluster. ```{r} length(studies(RAVmodel)) studies(RAVmodel)[1:3] ``` You can check which PC from different studies are in RAVs using `PCinRAV`. ```{r} PCinRAV(RAVmodel, 2) ``` ## Silhouette width for each RAV Silhouette width ranges from -1 to 1 for each cluster. Typically, it is interpreted as follows: - Values close to 1 suggest that the observation is well matched to the assigned cluster - Values close to 0 suggest that the observation is borderline matched between two clusters - Values close to -1 suggest that the observations may be assigned to the wrong cluster For RAVmodel, the average silhouette width of each cluster is a quality control measure and suggested as a secondary reference to choose proper RAVs, following validation score. ```{r} x <- silhouetteWidth(RAVmodel) head(x) # average silhouette width of the first 6 RAVs ``` ## GSEA on each RAV Pre-processed GSEA results on each RAV are stored in RAVmodel and can be accessed through `gsea` function. ```{r} class(gsea(RAVmodel)) class(gsea(RAVmodel)[[1]]) length(gsea(RAVmodel)) gsea(RAVmodel)[1] ``` ## MeSH terms for each study You can find MeSH terms associated with each study using `mesh` method. Output is a list with the length of studies used for training. Each element of this output list is a data frame containing the assigned MeSH terms and the detail of them. The last column `bagOfWords` is the frequency of the MeSH term in the whole training dataset. ```{r} length(mesh(RAVmodel)) mesh(RAVmodel)[1] ``` ## PCA summary for each study PCA summary of each study can be accessed through `PCAsummary` method. Output is a list with the length of studies, where each element is a matrix containing PCA summary results: standard deviation (SD), variance explained by each PC (Variance), and the cumulative variance explained (Cumulative). ```{r} length(PCAsummary(RAVmodel)) PCAsummary(RAVmodel)[1] ``` # Other relevant code The workflow to build the RAVmodel is available from https://github.com/shbrief/model_building which is archived in Zenodo with the identifier https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6496552. All analyses presented in the GenomicSuperSignatures manuscript are reproducible using code accessible from https://github.com/shbrief/GenomicSuperSignaturePaper/ and archived in Zenodo with the identifier [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6496612]. # Session Info
```{r} sessionInfo() ```