## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------------ BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("CytoPipeline") ## ----scaleTransformQueueDisplay, results='markup', fig.cap="Scale transform processing queue", echo=FALSE, out.width='75%', fig.align='center', fig.wide = TRUE---- knitr::include_graphics("figs/scaleTransformQueue.png", error = FALSE) ## ----preProcessingQueueDisplay, results='markup', fig.cap="Pre-processing queue for two different pipeline settings", echo=FALSE, out.width='100%', fig.align='center', fig.wide = TRUE---- knitr::include_graphics("figs/preProcessingQueues.png", error = FALSE) ## ----pathsDef----------------------------------------------------------------- library(CytoPipeline) # raw data rawDataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "CytoPipeline") # output files workDir <- suppressMessages(base::tempdir()) ## ----CytoPipelineSteps-------------------------------------------------------- # main parameters : sample files and output files experimentName <- "OMIP021_PeacoQC" sampleFiles <- file.path(rawDataDir, list.files(rawDataDir, pattern = "Donor")) pipL_PeacoQC <- CytoPipeline(experimentName = experimentName, sampleFiles = sampleFiles) ### SCALE TRANSFORMATION STEPS ### pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", CytoProcessingStep( name = "flowframe_read", FUN = "readSampleFiles", ARGS = list( whichSamples = "all", truncate_max_range = FALSE, min.limit = NULL ) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", CytoProcessingStep( name = "remove_margins", FUN = "removeMarginsPeacoQC", ARGS = list() ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", CytoProcessingStep( name = "compensate", FUN = "compensateFromMatrix", ARGS = list(matrixSource = "fcs") ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", CytoProcessingStep( name = "flowframe_aggregate", FUN = "aggregateAndSample", ARGS = list( nTotalEvents = 10000, seed = 0 ) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", CytoProcessingStep( name = "scale_transform_estimate", FUN = "estimateScaleTransforms", ARGS = list( fluoMethod = "estimateLogicle", scatterMethod = "linear", scatterRefMarker = "BV785 - CD3" ) ) ) ### FLOW FRAME PRE-PROCESSING STEPS ### pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "flowframe_read", FUN = "readSampleFiles", ARGS = list( truncate_max_range = FALSE, min.limit = NULL ) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "remove_margins", FUN = "removeMarginsPeacoQC", ARGS = list() ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "compensate", FUN = "compensateFromMatrix", ARGS = list(matrixSource = "fcs") ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "perform_QC", FUN = "qualityControlPeacoQC", ARGS = list( preTransform = TRUE, min_cells = 150, # default max_bins = 500, # default step = 500, # default, MAD = 6, # default IT_limit = 0.55, # default force_IT = 150, # default peak_removal = 0.3333, # default min_nr_bins_peakdetection = 10 # default ) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "remove_doublets", FUN = "removeDoubletsCytoPipeline", ARGS = list( areaChannels = c("FSC-A", "SSC-A"), heightChannels = c("FSC-H", "SSC-H"), nmads = c(3, 5)) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "remove_debris", FUN = "removeDebrisManualGate", ARGS = list( FSCChannel = "FSC-A", SSCChannel = "SSC-A", gateData = c(73615, 110174, 213000, 201000, 126000, 47679, 260500, 260500, 113000, 35000) ) ) ) pipL_PeacoQC <- addProcessingStep(pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", CytoProcessingStep( name = "remove_dead_cells", FUN = "removeDeadCellsManualGate", ARGS = list( FSCChannel = "FSC-A", LDMarker = "L/D Aqua - Viability", gateData = c(0, 0, 250000, 250000, 0, 650, 650, 0) ) ) ) ## ----CytoPipelineJson--------------------------------------------------------- jsonDir <- rawDataDir # creation on CytoPipeline object, # using json file as input pipL_flowAI <- CytoPipeline(file.path(jsonDir, "OMIP021_flowAI_pipeline.json"), experimentName = "OMIP021_flowAI", sampleFiles = sampleFiles) ## ----executePeacoQC----------------------------------------------------------- # execute PeacoQC pipeline execute(pipL_PeacoQC, path = workDir) ## ----executeFlowAI------------------------------------------------------------ # execute flowAI pipeline execute(pipL_flowAI, path = workDir) ## ----plotWorkFlows1, fig.cap = "PeacoQC pipeline - scale transformList processing queue"---- # plot work flow graph - PeacoQC - scale transformList plotCytoPipelineProcessingQueue( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "scale transform", path = workDir) ## ----plotWorkFlows2, fig.cap = "PeacoQC pipeline - file pre-processing queue"---- # plot work flow graph - PeacoQC - pre-processing plotCytoPipelineProcessingQueue( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", sampleFile = 1, path = workDir) ## ----plotWorkFlows3, fig.cap = "flowAI pipeline - scale transformList processing queue"---- # plot work flow graph - flowAI - scale transformList plotCytoPipelineProcessingQueue( pipL_flowAI, whichQueue = "scale transform", path = workDir) ## ----plotWorkFlows4, fig.cap = "flowAI pipeline - file pre-processing queue"---- # plot work flow graph - flowAI - pre-processing plotCytoPipelineProcessingQueue( pipL_flowAI, whichQueue = "pre-processing", sampleFile = 1, path = workDir) ## ----gettingObjectInfos------------------------------------------------------- getCytoPipelineObjectInfos(pipL_PeacoQC, path = workDir, whichQueue = "scale transform") getCytoPipelineObjectInfos(pipL_PeacoQC, path = workDir, whichQueue = "pre-processing", sampleFile = sampleFiles(pipL_PeacoQC)[1]) ## ----gettingFlowFrames-------------------------------------------------------- # example of retrieving a flow frame # at a given step ff <- getCytoPipelineFlowFrame( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", sampleFile = 1, objectName = "remove_doublets_obj", path = workDir) # ff2 <- getCytoPipelineFlowFrame( pipL_PeacoQC, whichQueue = "pre-processing", sampleFile = 1, objectName = "remove_debris_obj", path = workDir) ## ----ggplotEvents1, fig.cap = "1-dimensional distribution plot (forward scatter channel)"---- ggplotEvents(ff, xChannel = "FSC-A") ## ----ggplotEvents2, fig.cap = "2-dimensional distribution plot (forward scatter vs. side scatter channels)"---- ggplotEvents(ff, xChannel = "FSC-A", yChannel = "SSC-A") ## ----ggplotEvents3, fig.cap = "2-dimensional difference plot between remove_doublets and remove_debris steps"---- ggplotFilterEvents(ff, ff2, xChannel = "FSC-A", yChannel = "SSC-A") ## ----cacheObjectRetrieve------------------------------------------------------ obj <- getCytoPipelineObjectFromCache(pipL_PeacoQC, path = workDir, whichQueue = "scale transform", objectName = "compensate_obj") show(obj) ## ----launchShinyApp----------------------------------------------------------- #devtools::install_github("https://github.com/UCLouvain-CBIO/CytoPipelineGUI") #CytoPipelineGUI::CytoPipelineCheckApp(dir = workDir) ## ----sessioninfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()