## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # BiocManager::install("CBNplot") ## ----deg, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE, warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10---- library(CBNplot) library(bnlearn) library(DESeq2) library(org.Hs.eg.db) library(GEOquery) ## Load dataset and make metadata filePaths <- getGEOSuppFiles("GSE133624") counts = read.table(rownames(filePaths)[1], header=1, row.names=1) meta = sapply(colnames(counts), function (x) substring(x,1,1)) meta = data.frame(meta) colnames(meta) = c("Condition") dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts, colData = meta, design= ~ Condition) ## Prefiltering filt <- rowSums(counts(dds) < 10) > dim(meta)[1]*0.9 dds <- dds[!filt,] ## Perform DESeq2() dds = DESeq(dds) res = results(dds, pAdjustMethod = "bonferroni") ## apply variance stabilizing transformation v = vst(dds, blind=FALSE) vsted = assay(v) ## Define the input genes, and use clusterProfiler::bitr to convert the ID. sig = subset(res, padj<0.05) cand.entrez = clusterProfiler::bitr(rownames(sig), fromType="ENSEMBL", toType="ENTREZID", OrgDb=org.Hs.eg.db)$ENTREZID ## Perform enrichment analysis pway = ReactomePA::enrichPathway(gene = cand.entrez) pway = clusterProfiler::setReadable(pway, org.Hs.eg.db) ## Define including samples incSample = rownames(subset(meta, Condition=="T")) ## ----usecase, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE, warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10---- bngeneplot(results = pway,exp = vsted, expSample = incSample, pathNum = 15) ## ----usecase2, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE, warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10---- ret <- bngeneplot(results = pway,exp = vsted, expSample = incSample, pathNum = 15, returnNet=TRUE) ret$str |> head() ## ----igraph, include=TRUE, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE---- g <- bnlearn::as.igraph(ret$av) igraph::evcent(g)$vector ## ----usecase3, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE, warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10---- bnpathplot(results = pway,exp = vsted, expSample = incSample, nCategory=10, shadowText = TRUE) ## ----usecase4, include=TRUE, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=FALSE, warning=FALSE, comment=FALSE, fig.height = 10, fig.width = 10---- bnpathplotCustom(results = pway, exp = vsted, expSample = incSample, fontFamily="serif", glowEdgeNum=3, hub=3) bngeneplotCustom(results = pway, exp = vsted, expSample = incSample, pathNum=15, fontFamily="sans", glowEdgeNum=NULL, hub=3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()