CHANGES IN VERSION 1.18.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o `biocLastBuildDate` has been deprecated and moved to `BiocArchive`. o `pkgBiocDeps` returns only the Bioconductor dependencies for a given vector of packages; can be set to all dependencies. BUG FIXES o Use `bfcdownload` when a web resource needs updating. Functions that download and cache files are affected including `biocBuildReport`, `biocDownloadStats`, `biocPkgRanges`, and `CRANstatus`. o `biocPkgList` throws a descriptive error when using an alternative repository to the default CRAN, e.g., `RSPM` where the `packages.rds` file does not exist. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.16.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o `get_cre_orcids` and `orcid_table` allow the querying of the ORCID API to obtain information about the maintainer whose ORCID is documented in the `DESCRIPTION` file (@vjcitn) o `biocBuildEmail` now allows a `to` maintainer email override along with `cc` and `bcc` inputs. o `biocLastBuildDate` gives the date of the last release build for a particular release version as shown in the website o The argument defaults for `buildPkgDependencyDataFrame` have changed to match that of `tools::package_dependencies` which is more appropriate for identifying "strong" dependencies (@vjcitn, #55). o `latestPkgStats`, `activitySince`, and `pkgDownloadRank` are designed to pull package statistics from the GitHub API using `gh` packages or from Bioconductor. They are esp. useful for reporting to funding agencies. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.12.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o `biocRevDepEmail` sends an email to several downstream maintainers to notify them of a deprecated package. o `biocBuildEmail` allows deprecation notices using the template in the `inst` folder. Use `templatePath()` to see available templates by their location. o `PackageStatus` indicates whether a package is slated for 'Deprecation' by checking the `meat-index.dcf` file. o `pkgDownloadStats` provides the download statistics table for a particular package. BUG FIXES o `biocBuildReport` refers to hard-coded versions of the BBS build reports corresponding to when changes were made. o `biocDownloadStats` includes all types of Bioconductor packages o `biocBuildReport` improved to work on old-rel, release, and devel Bioconductor versions CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o `biocPkgRanges` allows for easy identification of package statuses from the build report for a specified range of packages (ordered alphabetically) o `biocBuildEmail` provides core-team functionality for sending email notifications to package maintainers SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o `biocBuildEmail` allows for saving a credentials file for email authentication via the `credFile` argument o `setCache` uses `tools::R_user_dir("BiocPkgTools", "cache")` instead of `rappdirs::user_cache_dir` BUG FIXES o `biocBuildReport` accounts for some packages whose `DESCRIPTION` file is malformed o `biocBuildReport` updated to changes in the build report format CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Add HTML Package Report template as RStudio rmarkdown template to quickly generate overviews of package stats for grants, etc. o Add parent terms to biocViews to support better search and browse by term BUG FIXES o Fix small css bug that caused paragraph tag mis-rendering in vignettes when biocExplore() used. o Completed list column extraction for all list columns in biocPkgList CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Bioc release date: 2018-10-31