## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'---------------- BiocStyle::markdown() options(width=60, max.print=1000) knitr::opts_chunk$set( eval=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_EVAL", "TRUE")), cache=as.logical(Sys.getenv("KNITR_CACHE", "TRUE")), tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60), tidy=TRUE) ## ----setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE---- # suppressPackageStartupMessages({ # library(systemPipeR) # library(BiocParallel) # library(Biostrings) # library(Rsamtools) # library(GenomicRanges) # library(ggplot2) # library(GenomicAlignments) # library(ShortRead) # library(ape) # library(batchtools) # }) ## ----load_systempiper, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- library(systemPipeR) ## ----load_targets_file, eval=TRUE------------------------- targetspath <- system.file("extdata", "targetsPE.txt", package="systemPipeR") targets <- read.delim(targetspath, comment.char = "#") targets[1:4, 1:4] ## ----construct_SYSargs2_trim-pe, eval=FALSE--------------- # targetsPE <- system.file("extdata", "targetsPE.txt", package="systemPipeR") # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/preprocessReads/trim-pe", package="systemPipeR") # trim <- loadWorkflow(targets=targetsPE, wf_file="trim-pe.cwl", input_file="trim-pe.yml", dir_path=dir_path) # trim <- renderWF(trim, inputvars=c(FileName1="_FASTQ_PATH1_", FileName2="_FASTQ_PATH2_", SampleName="_SampleName_")) # trim # output(trim)[1:2] # # preprocessReads(args=trim, Fct="trimLRPatterns(Rpattern='GCCCGGGTAA', subject=fq)", # batchsize=100000, overwrite=TRUE, compress=TRUE) # writeTargetsout(x=trim, file="targets_trimPE.txt", step=1, new_col = c("FileName1", "FileName2"), # new_col_output_index = c(1,2), overwrite = TRUE) ## ----fastq_report, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # fqlist <- seeFastq(fastq=infile1(trim), batchsize=100000, klength=8) # pdf("./results/fastqReport.pdf", height=18, width=4*length(fqlist)) # seeFastqPlot(fqlist) # dev.off() ## ----dir_path, eval=FALSE--------------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/gatk", package="systemPipeR") ## ----index, eval=FALSE------------------------------------ # ## Index for BWA # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = NULL, wf_file = "bwa-index.cwl", input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # cmdlist(args) # shows the command # output(args) # shows the expected output files # # Run single Machine # runCommandline(args, make_bam = FALSE) # # ## Index needed for gatk tools # args <- loadWorkflow(wf_file = "fasta_dict.cwl", input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # args <- runCommandline(args, make_bam = FALSE) # # ## Index # args <- loadWorkflow(wf_file = "fasta_faidx.cwl", input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # args <- runCommandline(args, make_bam = FALSE) ## ----bwa-pe_alignment, eval=FALSE------------------------- # targetsPE <- system.file("extdata", "targetsPE.txt", package = "systemPipeR") # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targetsPE, wf_file = "bwa-pe.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FASTQ_PATH1_", FileName2 = "_FASTQ_PATH2_", # SampleName = "_SampleName_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] ## ----start_BWA, eval=FALSE-------------------------------- # args <- runCommandline(args = args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args[1:2], file = "./results/targetsPE.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "BWA_SAM", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----bwa_parallel, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # library(batchtools) # resources <- list(walltime = 120, ntasks = 1, ncpus = 4, memory = 1024) # reg <- clusterRun(args, FUN = runCommandline, more.args = list(args = args, dir = FALSE, make_bam=FALSE), # conffile = ".batchtools.conf.R", template = "batchtools.slurm.tmpl", Njobs = 18, # runid = "01", resourceList = resources) # getStatus(reg = reg) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targetsPE.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "BWA_SAM", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----check_files_exist, eval=FALSE------------------------ # outpaths <- subsetWF(args , slot="output", subset=1, index=1) # file.exists(outpaths) ## ----align_stats, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # read_statsDF <- alignStats(args=args) # write.table(read_statsDF, "results/alignStats.xls", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t") ## ----symbolic_links, eval=FALSE--------------------------- # symLink2bam(sysargs=args, htmldir=c("~/.html/", "somedir/"), # urlbase="http://cluster.hpcc.ucr.edu/~tgirke/", urlfile="IGVurl.txt") ## ----fastq2ubam, eval=FALSE------------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/gatk", package="systemPipeR") # targets.gatk <- "./results/targetsPE.txt" ## targets generated from BWA # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_fastq2ubam.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FASTQ_PATH1_", FileName2 = "_FASTQ_PATH2_", # SampleName = "_SampleName_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args[1:2], make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "GATK_UBAM", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----merge_bam, eval=FALSE-------------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_mergebams.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(BWA_SAM = "_bwasam_", GATK_UBAM = "_ubam_", # SampleName = "_SampleName_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "GATK_MERGE", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----sort, eval=FALSE------------------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_sort.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_", GATK_MERGE = "_mergebam_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "GATK_SORT", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----mark_dup, eval=FALSE--------------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_markduplicates.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_", GATK_SORT = "_sort_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = c("GATK_MARK", "GATK_MARK_METRICS"), # new_col_output_index = c(1,2), overwrite = TRUE) ## ----fix_tag, eval=FALSE---------------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_fixtag.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_", GATK_MARK = "_mark_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "GATK_FIXED", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----hc, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_haplotypecaller.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_", GATK_FIXED = "_fixed_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "GVCF", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----import, eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # # drop all *.g.vcf.gz files into results folder, make sure the tbi index is also there. # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = NULL, wf_file = "gatk_genomicsDBImport.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # cmdlist(args) # output(args) # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) ## ----call_variants, eval=FALSE---------------------------- # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = NULL, wf_file = "gatk_genotypeGVCFs.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # cmdlist(args) # output(args) # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) ## ----filter, eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # args <- loadWorkflow(wf_file = "gatk_variantFiltration.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args) # cmdlist(args) # output(args) # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) ## ----extract_single_vcf, eval=F--------------------------- # targets.gatk <- "./results/targets_gatk.txt" # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targets.gatk, wf_file = "gatk_select_variant.cwl", # input_file = "gatk.yaml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_")) # cmdlist(args)[1:2] # output(args)[1:2] # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----run_bcftools, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/workflow-bcftools", package="systemPipeR") # targetsPE <- './results/targetsPE.txt' # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = targetsPE, wf_file = "workflow_bcftools.cwl", # input_file = "bcftools.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(SampleName = "_SampleName_", BWA_SAM = "_SAM_")) # cmdlist(args[1]) # output(args[1]) # args <- runCommandline(args= args, make_bam=FALSE) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_bcf.txt", # step = 5, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----inspect_vcf, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # library(VariantAnnotation) # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_gatk.txt', wf_file = "filter.cwl", # input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_")) # vcf <- readVcf(infile1(args)[1], "A. thaliana") # vcf # vr <- as(vcf, "VRanges") # vr ## ----filter_gatk, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/varseq", package="systemPipeR") # library(VariantAnnotation) # library(BBmisc) # Defines suppressAll() # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "filter.cwl",input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName="_SampleName_")) # filter <- "totalDepth(vr) >= 2 & (altDepth(vr) / totalDepth(vr) >= 0.8)" # # filter <- "totalDepth(vr) >= 20 & (altDepth(vr) / totalDepth(vr) >= 0.8)" # suppressAll(filterVars(args, filter, varcaller="gatk", organism="A. thaliana")) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_filter_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----filter_bcftools, eval=FALSE-------------------------- # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_bcf.txt', # wf_file = "filter.cwl", # input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # filter <- "rowSums(vr) >= 2 & (rowSums(vr[,3:4])/rowSums(vr[,1:4]) >= 0.8)" # # filter <- "rowSums(vr) >= 20 & (rowSums(vr[,3:4])/rowSums(vr[,1:4]) >= 0.8)" # suppressAll(filterVars(args, filter, varcaller="bcftools", organism="A. thaliana")) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_filter_bcf.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----check_filter, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # length(as(readVcf(infile1(args)[1], genome="Ath"), "VRanges")[,1]) # length(as(readVcf(subsetWF(args, slot='output', subset = 1, index=1)[1], genome="Ath"), "VRanges")[,1]) ## ----annotate_basics, eval=FALSE-------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/varseq", package="systemPipeR") # library("GenomicFeatures") # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_filter_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "annotate.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite") # vcf <- readVcf(infile1(args)[1], "A. thaliana") # locateVariants(vcf, txdb, CodingVariants()) ## ----annotate_basics_non-synon, eval=FALSE---------------- # fa <- FaFile(normalizePath(file.path(args$yamlinput$data_path$path,args$yamlinput$ref_name))) # predictCoding(vcf, txdb, seqSource=fa) ## ----annotate_gatk, eval=FALSE---------------------------- # library("GenomicFeatures") # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_filter_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "annotate.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite") # fa <- FaFile(normalizePath(file.path(args$yamlinput$data_path$path,args$yamlinput$ref_name))) # suppressAll(variantReport(args=args, txdb=txdb, fa=fa, organism="A. thaliana")) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_report_gatk.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----annotate_bcf, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # library("GenomicFeatures") # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_filter_bcf.txt', # wf_file = "annotate.cwl", # input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # txdb <- loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite") # fa <- FaFile(normalizePath(file.path(args$yamlinput$data_path$path,args$yamlinput$ref_name))) # suppressAll(variantReport(args=args, txdb=txdb, fa=fa, organism="A. thaliana")) # writeTargetsout(x = args, file = "./results/targets_report_bcf.txt", # step = 1, new_col = "FileName1", new_col_output_index = 1, overwrite = TRUE) ## ----view_annotation, eval=FALSE-------------------------- # read.delim(output(args)[[1]][[1]])[38:40,] ## ----combine_gatk, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/varseq", package="systemPipeR") # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = 'results/targets_report_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # combineDF <- combineVarReports(args, filtercol=c(Consequence="nonsynonymous")) # write.table(combineDF, "./results/combineDF_nonsyn_gatk.xls", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t") ## ----combine_bcf, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = 'results/targets_report_bcf.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # combineDF <- combineVarReports(args, filtercol=c(Consequence="nonsynonymous")) # write.table(combineDF, "./results/combineDF_nonsyn_bcf.xls", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="\t") ## ----summary_gatk, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_report_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # varSummary(args) # write.table(varSummary(args), "./results/variantStats_gatk.xls", quote=FALSE, col.names = NA, sep="\t") ## ----summary_bcf, eval=FALSE------------------------------ # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_report_bcf.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # varSummary(args) # write.table(varSummary(args), "./results/variantStats_bcf.xls", quote=FALSE, col.names = NA, sep="\t") ## ----venn_diagram, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # dir_path <- system.file("extdata/cwl/varseq", package="systemPipeR") # ## gatk # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = 'results/targets_report_gatk.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # varlist <- sapply(names(subsetWF(args[1:2], slot='output', subset = 1, index=1)), # function(x) as.character(read.delim(subsetWF(args[1:2], slot='output', subset = 1, index=1)[x])$VARID)) # vennset_gatk <- overLapper(varlist, type="vennsets") # # ## bcf # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = './results/targets_report_bcf.txt', # wf_file = "combine.cwl", input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = dir_path) # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(FileName1 = "_FILE1_", SampleName = '_SampleName_')) # varlist <- sapply(names(subsetWF(args[1:2], slot='output', subset=1, index=1)), # function(x) as.character(read.delim(subsetWF(args[1:2], slot='output', subset=1, index=1)[x])$VARID)) # vennset_bcf <- overLapper(varlist, type="vennsets") # # pdf("./results/vennplot_var.pdf") # vennPlot(list(vennset_gatk, vennset_bcf), mymain="", mysub="GATK: red; BCFtools: blue", colmode=2, ccol=c("red", "blue")) # dev.off() ## ----plot_variant, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # library(ggbio) # mychr <- "ChrC"; mystart <- 11000; myend <- 13000 # args <- loadWorkflow(targets = 'results/targets_gatk.txt', wf_file = "combine.cwl", # input_file = "varseq.yml", dir_path = 'param/cwl/varseq_downstream/') # args <- renderWF(args, inputvars = c(GATK_FIXED = "_FILE1_", SampleName = "_SampleName_")) # ga <- readGAlignments(subsetWF(args, slot='input', subset = 1)[1], use.names=TRUE, # param=ScanBamParam(which=GRanges(mychr, IRanges(mystart, myend)))) # p1 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "rect") # p2 <- autoplot(ga, geom = "line", stat = "coverage") # p3 <- autoplot(vcf[seqnames(vcf)==mychr], type = "fixed") + # xlim(mystart, myend) + theme(legend.position = "none", # axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y=element_blank()) # p4 <- autoplot(loadDb("./data/tair10.sqlite"), which=GRanges(mychr, IRanges(mystart, myend)), names.expr = "gene_id") # png("./results/plot_variant.png") # tracks(Reads=p1, Coverage=p2, Variant=p3, Transcripts=p4, heights = c(0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.35)) + ylab("") # dev.off() ## ----sessionInfo------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()