--- title: "metaboliteIDmapping" subtitle: "Mapping table for various metabolite ID formats" author: - name: Sebastian Canzler affiliation: Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany package: metaboliteIDmapping date: "May 12, 2020" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true BiocStyle::pdf_document: default vignette: > %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{metaboliteIDmapping} --- # Introduction The `metaboliteIDmapping` AnnotationHub package provides a comprehensive ID mapping for various metabolite ID formats. Within this annotation package, nine different ID formats and metabolite common names are merged in one large mapping table. ID formats include [Comptox Chemical Dashboard](https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard) IDs (DTXCID, DTXSID), [Pubchem](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) IDs (CID, SID), [CAS Registry numbers](https://www.cas.org/support/documentation/references) (CAS-RN), [Human Metabolome Database](https://hmdb.ca/) (HMDB), [Chemical Entities of Biological Interest](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/) (ChEBI), [KEGG Compounds](https://www.genome.jp/kegg/compound/) (KEGG), and [Drugbank](https://www.drugbank.ca/) (Drugbank) The metabolite IDs and names were retrieved from four different publicly available sources and merged into one mapping table by means of the R script that is distributed alongside the AnnotationHub package. The script is located in `system.file( package = "metaboliteIDmapping", "/scripts/make-data.R")` A brief description of the utilized data sources is given in the following section. # Data sources Four publicly available sources were queried to retrieved nine different metabolite ID formats. As short description of those sources is listed below: ## The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) * Website: https://hmdb.ca/ * Current version: 4.0 * Download link: https://hmdb.ca/system/downloads/current/hmdb_metabolites.zip * File format: XML * ID formats: HMDB, CAS, Pubchem CID, KEGG, ChEBi, Drugbank * Number of metabolites: 114100 ## Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) * Website: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/ * Current version: Jan 5, 2020 * Download link: ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chebi/Flat_file_tab_delimited/database_accession.tsv * File format: TSV * ID formats: ChEBI, CAS, KEGG * Number of metabolites: 17227 ## Comptox Chemical Dashboard * Website: https://comptox.epa.gov/dashboard * Comptox Chemical Dashboard supplied us with two separate files, one linking to Pubchem IDs and other linking to CAS numbers. ### Linking to Pubchem * Download link: ftp://newftp.epa.gov/COMPTOX/Sustainable_Chemistry_Data/Chemistry_Dashboard/PubChem_DTXSID_mapping_file.txt * Current version: Nov 14, 2016 * File format: TSV * ID formats: DTXSID, CID, SID * Number of metabolites: 735553 ### Linking to CAS registry numbers * Download link: ftp://newftp.epa.gov/COMPTOX/Sustainable_Chemistry_Data/Chemistry_Dashboard/2019/April/DSSTox_Identifiers_and_CASRN.xlsx * Current version: Apr, 2019 * File format: XLSX * ID formats: DTXCID, DTXSID, CAS * Number of metabolites: 875755 ### Full-join on both tables based on DTXSID * ID formats: DTXCID, DTXSID, CAS, CID, SID * Number of combined metabolites: 875796 ## `graphite` R package * Website: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/graphite.html * Current Version: Bioconductor release 3.11 * Data structure: date.frame * Access from R package: `graphite:::loadMetaboliteDb()@table` * ID formats: KEGG, ChEBI, CAS, Pubchem CID * Number of metabolites: 155651 # Usage There are two different ways to load the mapping ID table from this package. First, simply load the `metaboliteIDmapping` package into your R session. When the package is loaded, the data will be available as tibble: ```{r load_library} library( metaboliteIDmapping) metabolitesMapping ``` Second, search for the mapping table in the AnnotationHub resource interface: ```{r search_mapping} library( AnnotationHub) ah <- AnnotationHub() datasets <- query( ah, "metaboliteIDmapping") datasets[1] datasets[2] ``` Currently, there are two versions of the mapping table. * AH79817 represents the original ID mapping containing 9 different ID formats * AH83115 is the current mapping table which also includes common names for each compound For implanting this data in your code, it is recommended to use the AHid for retrieval: ```{r load_mapping} data <- ah[["AH83115"]] data ```