## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ---- message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------- library(scAlign) library(SingleCellExperiment) library(ggplot2) ## Load in cellbench data data("cellbench", package = "scAlign", envir = environment()) ## Extract RNA mixture cell types mix.types = unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames(cellbench), "-"), "[[", 2)) ## Extract Platform batch = c(rep("CEL", length(which(!grepl("sortseq", colnames(cellbench)) == TRUE))), rep("SORT", length(which(grepl("sortseq", colnames(cellbench)) == TRUE)))) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Create SCE objects to pass into scAlignCreateObject youngMouseSCE <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(scale.data = cellbench[,batch=='CEL']) ) oldMouseSCE <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list(scale.data = cellbench[,batch=='SORT']) ) ## Build the scAlign class object and compute PCs scAlignCB = scAlignCreateObject(sce.objects = list("CEL"=youngMouseSCE, "SORT"=oldMouseSCE), labels = list(mix.types[batch=='CEL'], mix.types[batch=='SORT']), data.use="scale.data", pca.reduce = FALSE, cca.reduce = TRUE, ccs.compute = 5, project.name = "scAlign_cellbench") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Run scAlign with all_genes scAlignCB = scAlign(scAlignCB, options=scAlignOptions(steps=1000, log.every=1000, norm=TRUE, early.stop=TRUE), encoder.data="scale.data", supervised='none', run.encoder=TRUE, run.decoder=FALSE, log.dir=file.path('~/models_temp','gene_input'), device="CPU") # ## Additional run of scAlign with CCA # scAlignCB = scAlign(scAlignCB, # options=scAlignOptions(steps=1000, # log.every=1000, # norm=TRUE, # early.stop=TRUE), # encoder.data="CCA", # supervised='none', # run.encoder=TRUE, # run.decoder=FALSE, # log.dir=file.path('~/models','cca_input'), # device="CPU") ## Plot aligned data in tSNE space, when the data was processed in three different ways: ## 1) either using the original gene inputs, ## 2) after CCA dimensionality reduction for preprocessing. ## Cells here are colored by input labels set.seed(5678) gene_plot = PlotTSNE(scAlignCB, "ALIGNED-GENE", title="scAlign-Gene", perplexity=30) ## Show plot gene_plot # cca_plot = PlotTSNE(scAlignCB, # "ALIGNED-CCA", # title="scAlign-CCA", # perplexity=30) # # multi_plot_labels = grid.arrange(gene_plot, cca_plot, nrow = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()