--- title: "An Introduction to sangeranalyseR" author: "Author: Kuan-Hao Chao (u7022787@anu.edu.au)" date: "Last update: `r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true code_folding: show fig_caption: yes BiocStyle::pdf_document: default #bibliography: bibliography.bib fontsize: 14pt vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{sangeranalyseR} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\VignettePackage{sangeranalyseR} --- ```{r style, echo=FALSE, results="asis", message=FALSE} BiocStyle::markdown() knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) ``` ```{r} library(sangeranalyseR) ``` # Introduction [sangeranalyseR](https://github.com/roblanf/sangeranalyseR) is an R package for analysing Sanger sequencing reads, especially those from ABIF platform, in pure R environment. There are three levels in [sangeranalyseR](https://github.com/roblanf/sangeranalyseR) which are ***'SangerRead'***, ***'SangerContig'*** and ***'SangerAlignment'***. Users can choose which level to start the analysis. In this documentation, we intoduce analysis workflow step by step in these three levels with examples. # **SangerRead** ***'SangerRead'*** extends from 'sangerseq' class and stores 'abif' class in [sangerseqR](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/sangerseqR.html) as well as essential information including quality trimming and chromatogram parameters. It corresponds to a single ABIF file in Sanger sequencing.

2.1      Create **SangerRead** Instance

First step is to create a ***'SangerRead'*** instance. Here, we find the the abosulte file path and assign it to `A_chloroticaFdReadFN`. ```{r} inputFilesPath <- system.file("extdata/", package = "sangeranalyseR") A_chloroticaFdReadFN <- file.path(inputFilesPath, "Allolobophora_chlorotica", "RBNII", "Achl_RBNII396-13_1_F.ab1") ``` Now we can create a **'SangerRead'** instance by running `SangerRead` constructor function. ```{r} singleRead <- SangerRead(readFeature = "Forward Read", readFileName = A_chloroticaFdReadFN) ```

2.2      Visualize Trimmed Read

Second step is to visualize the trimmed read. `qualityBasePlot` triggers a [plot_ly](https://plot.ly/r/) interactive plot for users to check the result of the trimmed read.
```{r} qualityBasePlot(singleRead) ```

2.3      Update Trimming Parameters

Third step is to change trimming parameters. `SangerRead` constructor function uses default trimming parameters. If users are not satisfied with the trimming result, they can run `updateQualityParam` function to change the trimming parameters inside the ***'SangerRead'*** instance. ```{r results="hide"} updateQualityParam(singleRead, TrimmingMethod = "M1", M1TrimmingCutoff = 0.0003, M2CutoffQualityScore = NULL, M2SlidingWindowSize = NULL) ```

2.4      Write FASTA file

Fourth step is to export DNA sequence to FATA file. `writeFastaSR` let users to write read in ***'SangerRead'*** instance to file in FASTA format. ```{r} writeFastaSR(singleRead) ```

2.5      Generate Report

Fifth step is to create a static html report for ***'SangerRead'*** instance by running `generateReportSR` function ```{r eval=FALSE} generateReportSR(singleRead) ```
--- # **SangerContig** ***'SangerContig'*** contains two lists of ***'SangerRead'*** which are forward and reverse read list. It also contains alignment results and consensus read. It corresponds to a contig in Sanger sequencing.

3.1      Create **SangerContig** Instance

First step is to prepare all reads in the same directory and define the project parameters. * `inputFilesParentDir` is the directory storing all raw ABIF files. * `contigName` is the name of contigs. All targets share the same contig name. * `suffixForwardRegExp` is the regular expression for forward read suffix. * `suffixReverseRegExp` is the regular expression for reverse read suffix. ```{r} rawDataDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "sangeranalyseR") inputFilesParentDir <- file.path(rawDataDir, "Allolobophora_chlorotica", "ACHLO") contigName <- "Achl_ACHLO006-09" suffixForwardRegExp <- "_[0-9]*_[F].ab1" suffixReverseRegExp <- "_[0-9]*_[R].ab1" ``` After defining parameters, users can create ***'SangerContig'*** instance by running `SangerContig` constructor function. ```{r} sangerContig <- SangerContig(parentDirectory = inputFilesParentDir, contigName = contigName, suffixForwardRegExp = suffixForwardRegExp, suffixReverseRegExp = suffixReverseRegExp) ```

3.2      Launch Shiny App

Second step is to trigger ***'SangerContig'*** Shiny app. In `SangerContig` constructor function, all forward and reverse reads in this contig share the same trimming parameter by default. It is inconvenient for users to check reads one by one through R command; therefore, we provide a local Shiny app to let users easily browse and change parameters in each read in the ***'SangerContig'*** instance. ```{r eval=FALSE} launchAppSC(sangerContig) ```

3.3      Write FASTA file

Third step is to export DNA sequence to FATA file. After changing trimming parameters in each read, users can run `writeFastaSC` function to write results into text file in FASTA format. ```{r} writeFastaSC(sangerContig) ```

3.4      Generate Report

Fourth step is to create a report. Users can create a static html report for the ***'SangerContig'*** instance by running `generateReportSC` function. ```{r eval=FALSE} generateReportSC(sangerContig) ```
--- # **SangerAlignment** ***'SangerAlignment'*** contains a list of ***'SangerContig'*** and the alignment results for all contigs. It corresponds to a rebuild DNA sequence fragment in Sanger sequencing.

4.1      Create **SangerAlignment** Instance

First step is to prepare all reads in the same directory and define the project parameters. * `inputFilesParentDir` is the directory storing all raw ABIF files. * `suffixForwardRegExp` is the regular expression for forward read suffix. * `suffixReverseRegExp` is the regular expression for reverse read suffix. ```{r} rawDir <- system.file("extdata", package="sangeranalyseR") parentDir <- file.path(rawDir, "Allolobophora_chlorotica", "RBNII") suffixForwardRegExp <- "_[F]_[0-9]*.ab1" suffixReverseRegExp <- "_[R]_[0-9]*.ab1" ``` Users can create ***'SangerAlignment'*** instance by running `SangerAlignment` constructor function. ```{r eval=FALSE} sangerAlignment <- SangerAlignment(parentDirectory = parentDir, suffixForwardRegExp = suffixForwardRegExp, suffixReverseRegExp = suffixReverseRegExp,) ```

4.2      Launch Shiny App

Second step is to run `launchAppSA` to trigger the local ***'SangerAlignment'*** Shiny app. Users can easily browse all ***'SangerContig'*** instance in ***'SangerAlignment'*** and change ***'SangerRead'*** trimming parameters in each ***'SangerContig'*** instance. ```{r eval=FALSE} launchAppSA(sangerAlignment) ```

4.3      Write FASTA file

Third step is to run `writeFastaSC` function to write results into text file in FASTA format. ```{r eval=FALSE} writeFastaSA(sangerAlignment) ```

4.4      Generate Report

Fourth step is to create a report. Users can create a static html report for the ***'SangerAlignment'*** instance by running `generateReportSA` function. ```{r eval=FALSE} generateReportSA(sangerAlignment) ```